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by Jackal
Sun Oct 07, 2018 11:04 am
Forum: Project One
Topic: Project 1 Final
Replies: 17
Views: 3003

Re: Project 1 Final

Hi Kayla!!

I love the new photo you chose, the colors are still on the cool side but it made such a difference. Anyway I just really luv your website, nice job!
by Jackal
Sun Oct 07, 2018 10:54 am
Forum: Project One
Topic: project_one_final_sjones
Replies: 17
Views: 3180

Re: project_one_final_sjones

Hi Sarah!!

Your websites are really organized and nice to look at! The only thing I would say is that the orange/black boxes look like they were just placed there and stick out compared to the rest of your design, I would maybe mess with effects and see if you can do something with them! Good job!
by Jackal
Thu Oct 04, 2018 10:05 pm
Forum: Project One
Topic: Project 1 Final Versions
Replies: 17
Views: 3069

Project 1 Final Versions

Hi!!! I'm Jackal. For my two informational websites I chose: In the first one it highlights web design as a whole, the one thing that stood out to be was to be consistent. Some...
by Jackal
Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:21 am
Forum: Project One
Topic: Project 1 Preliinary Critique
Replies: 23
Views: 4391

Re: Project 1 Preliinary Critique

Hi Clara!!

I love your ticket concept a lot, I would definitely play around with more expressive type styles just because it looks a little flat right now! Really cute concepts though!
by Jackal
Mon Sep 17, 2018 4:34 pm
Forum: Project One
Topic: Roast my website
Replies: 21
Views: 3485

Re: Roast my website

Hi Estevan! Something I would recommend is scooting your social media icons closer to your photo and not so close to the edge on the first designs. I like the color scheme in your top design but it looks a little unbalanced and there's a lot of a blank space. Your second set of designs are so aesthe...
by Jackal
Mon Sep 17, 2018 4:28 pm
Forum: Project One
Topic: My roughs
Replies: 21
Views: 3697

Re: My roughs

Hi Megan!! I love your mountain range a lot! I would definitely play with the image a little more to see if you can add a wider range of mountains with different shades/tints. In your mobile version your type looks a little squished so I would space it out a little more. Your layouts are looking rea...
by Jackal
Mon Sep 17, 2018 4:24 pm
Forum: Project One
Topic: project I Roughs
Replies: 23
Views: 3766

Re: project I Roughs

Hi!! I really love your first two, your use of all the different types go well together and your color scheme is so good! I would recommend maybe making your design fuller for the desktop version instead of just placing the shape in the middle, maybe play around with different ways you can fill up t...
by Jackal
Mon Sep 17, 2018 4:15 pm
Forum: Project One
Topic: Preliminary Roughs for Project 1
Replies: 22
Views: 3805

Re: Preliminary Roughs for Project 1

Hi Kayla! Both of your layouts are so pleasing to look at! I like your layout with the mountains the most because while there isn't a lot going on your use of space makes it look full/complete if that makes sense?? The only thing I could say is play around with different fonts for your headline like...
by Jackal
Mon Sep 17, 2018 4:08 pm
Forum: Project One
Topic: Project 01 roughs
Replies: 22
Views: 3700

Re: Project 01 roughs

Hi Yuri I love your Eiffel tower mobile version, as well as the photo of the beach in your desktop version! One thing I'd recommend is maybe making your photo and introduction paragraph larger like you did in the second desktop design, so it'll still show off the beautiful background image but also ...
by Jackal
Mon Sep 17, 2018 4:04 pm
Forum: Project One
Topic: Project1-Prelim
Replies: 22
Views: 3910

Re: Project1-Prelim

Hi Matt!!! I like your layout choice a lot! Your image does seem a bit stretched out so I would mess with different positions to put it in, as well as messing around with the type at the bottom in your desktop layout. Maybe spread out your contact information and make it a bit bigger? Other than tha...