Project 1 FINAL

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Project 1 FINAL

Post by selvster5000 »

Hi guys!

I went ahead with my second design. From what I gathered, it looks like
everyone was fond of the second design more than the first (it might be
easier to code too, which is a plus).

I took everyone's suggestions into account, and made various corrections.
First, I made the "h", "y", and the body copy in the lower right hand corner
bigger, making the type more legible for my viewers (I also lowered the type
weight for the body copy too) . Lastly, I added some sweet drop shadows,
which in return, gives the layout a more 3 dimensional effect.

Overall, I feel as though I have successfully solved this project. I have designed
a website layout that resembles my personality and design ability. In addition,
this design is simple, and will be easy to alter if need be.

I really like how the design came out! Thank you all for your critiques,
they made my work so much better! Ya'll rock..!
Hannah Selvey

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Re: Project 1 FINAL

Post by Instructor »

Nice! You definitely picked the better of your two album covers. I like the type changes. The larger "h" and "y" help contrast and your bolder type works to draw the eye to it. Otherwise, all of the good stuff from your preliminary work is still there. Your non-standard navigation is still easy to see and use, even with your changes. Your color scheme really serves to enhance the contrast inherent in your layout. And your many fonts are still working to give your design a fun, bohemian feel. Most designs with that many fonts look too chaotic, but yours works here.

Personally, I'm not a fan of the added drop shadow. I think the version without the drop shadow from your preliminary work is a little cleaner.

Nice work! I agree that you have successfully solved the project.
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Re: Project 1 FINAL

Post by Ariesboxsye »

I like the over all look of this layout, very unique I feel. The asymmetrical balance and the used of disjointing the first letter of your name and the last letter of your last name is an interesting choice when you not only miss align them but also change typeface, color, and even changing them to lower case is a really nice look over all. Only think I worry about is the feeling that the right side is busier than the right to me, and while you try to balance it out with vibrant colors and more shapes I would like to see how your links place holders help reel it back even more so with out tipping it to the left too much.
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Re: Project 1 FINAL

Post by Kyler_Rose »

Your Website is looking really good I like how different it is compared to normal website, but it is missing a few of the required elements such as the picture of your self. And your email seems out of place compared to the rest of the composition.
Kyler Rose


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Re: Project 1 FINAL

Post by fjbo »

Just WOW.

Hannah your design is pretty awesome, stylish, creative, sophisticated, alternative and professional!!!

Colors are rich, with a very interesting balance being feminine and strong. The black-magenta-orange combination is really genius. Fonts and typography are next-level stuff.

I don't think it could be better really, it's already great, amazing, beautiful. I really mean it.


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Re: Project 1 FINAL

Post by erika.murray »

This looks so good! I love the addition of the drop shadows and the changes to the letters sticking out of the boxes. I am still having a hard time with the A and the E, just because the thin serifs don't create enough contrast when sticking off of the gray box. I would bring them in completely so that they are not overlapping, then bring the h down and the y up as needed. Killin' it as usual!
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Re: Project 1 FINAL

Post by ktwy »

I really like the color scheme you picked, it has a nice feel to it. The design seems a bit disconnected in some parts. Like "h" and "y" are far away from the rest of your name and in different type cases so it doesn't look like it's part of you name.

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Re: Project 1 FINAL

Post by Peelio »

Nice work! The visual elements keep me very interested. I like the color scheme. For continuity, I would align the "y" with the bottom of the word Selvey, like to how the "h" aligns with Hannah at the top. It looks professional and also has character. Keep on designing!
Melissa Peel

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Re: Project 1 FINAL

Post by Marco_Horta1 »

Hi Hannah,

Very clean and easy to navigate website design. Good selection of colors with a wonderful contrast and very nicely balanced, simple, clean, and highly efficient design. congratulations Hannah great job.
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Re: Project 1 FINAL

Post by Jose_M »

This still seems like two different designs put side-by-side, although I do like the color choices, layout, and shapes. It has an excessive use of "links" and I think the ones on the left can be placed within the composition rather than floating objects to the left; perhaps within the circles.

Jose Macias.
Jose Macias.
