Final Project 1

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Final Project 1

Post by chaytothet »

Hello again!

I didn't do too much to the layout as I didn't get any feedback to change it except to darken up the colors a little bit and change the navigation a little bit.

What do you guys think?

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Re: Final Project 1

Post by Instructor »

Nice cleanup job there, Chaylin. I really like the use of the dotted vertical lines as separators. They work well with the design language you've established with this design. The right aligning of the type helps to organize everything and the enlarged navigation is easier to see and use. You did all this without sacrificing what made your original so good; the color, the margins, and the layout.

Not sure you needed to add the extra spacing between your colored bars.

Nicely done!
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Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Final Project 1

Post by Ariesboxsye »

I like the simple shapes used to categorize each part of the site that it will go to. The bottom shape for Links feels empty compared to the other two shapes that hold content.
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Re: Final Project 1

Post by Kyler_Rose »

Hey Chalyn your Website is looking great. I like how the Graphic of the flower transfers between each of the color rows that you made it links then all other. Everything is nice and simple and it works really well with your design. As to what to improve on. Well I dont really have anything that you could improve, your Font is nice the colors work. Good Job on your website.
Kyler Rose


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Re: Final Project 1

Post by fjbo »

Your concept is great, the most powerful thing in your design is the not-so-obvious unity that you create with the white flowers. I like how the flowers visually connect to each other, despite being separated. That is great design.

Your sections are really well contained, effectively organizing your content. I think it is a great index page/landing page, it makes everything so clear and easy to find.

I honestly don't think any changes are needed. That's probably why you didn't get a lot of feedback in this matter.

Really good job!


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Re: Final Project 1

Post by chaytothet »

Ok guys, I was going to leave it be, but then I started to mess.... and I came up with this! I like it better, what do you think now?
second final.jpg

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Re: Final Project 1

Post by Ltrueworthy »

The flow is probably my favorite part of your layout. I think I like the blue one better because the other one seems a little to bright for me where my eyes need to adjust, if that makes sense. I really like the whole concept though especially the cut outs of the flowers.

Good Job!
Lea Trueworthy

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Re: Final Project 1

Post by susielang »

Like your use of color and the flowers. Nice, simple design that is easy to navigate. Your typefaces go well with your design.
Susie Lang

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Re: Final Project 1

Post by erika.murray »

That blue layout is awesome. I love your use of white space with the flowers. You might want to push the About Me headline and text to the left so that it aligns with the edge of the second rectangle. Nice work Chalyn!
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Re: Final Project 1

Post by ktwy »

Your flowers are very cute! I like the font that you picked a lot. The yellow is a bit distracting, so I think maybe a different color choice could bring the design all together.
