Project UNO Prelim

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Project UNO Prelim

Post by Big_DaDdy »

I love the modern look, clean lines, easy to navigate, and minimalism so in my designs that was the idea. Design one included an insight into my military background and design two included more of my love for photography. Some of my inspiration came through the following link: ... e/652.html

Share what you would keep and what you would change.

BiG DaddY
Jason Alavez

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Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by Jackal »

Hi Jason!!

I love both of the photos you used but I'd have to say that I like your first set of designs more! I like how the photo is emphasized but you still had room to put type over it, it feels less crammed then the second desktop version. I'm trying to find something that you could work on but both are already really good. Maybe try finding a different kind of type for your body copy and 'links' part. The only thing that makes it look out of place is the boldness of your numbers, and then the words (project, inspiration, view my) are much thinner. Maybe play with making the words a little bolder. Other than that, love the theme and your color choices!!
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Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by tweetysmurf2350 »

Hi Big Daddy,

I really like how your links on the first one kind of have a 3D like effect to them. Both ideas are very well done and I like the bold red color you used for your menu items.

Hope this helps,
Terri J. Taber

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Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by evexhouses »

Hey Big Daddy aka Jason,
Your'e super talented! Love both of your ideas, the photos that you took are beautiful and I'm so glad you were able to use them for this project. I would have to agree with Jackal, the first one has to be my favorite because that photo blends super nicely with the color red that you chose. I do think that your body copy blends into the background a bit too much, maybe a different color? That might be a difficult fix.
Overall great job!! :D
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Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by tandyg »


The layout is well placed and your color choices compliment your pictures. I like the use of the font size to emphasis the content of the links you created for the content.
Tandy G
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Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by agostina_renau »

hey big daddy. Your layout and photographs are amazing! However, the typeface you chose makes me think of a real state website rather than something more fun. Good job!!
Agostina From Argentina

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Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by emilyduke »

Hey Jason!

I like the first set of designs the best, I think the photography is really nice and the white simple type on top is perfect. I think the colors in the photo combined with your logo colors compliment each other really well. Like others stated you could try different things with the body type, maybe making it shorter or condensed in a smaller square shape could work somewhere, but I like the white color. I think the way you typed the navigation is cool, but I think getting rid of the shadows and just keeping it simple like the initial tagline would look really clean. Other than that I think this is going to turn out really great!
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Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by Drakula »

Hi Jason,

I love your logo, the red is a cool pop of color. I like your simple color pallet, it really pulls attention throughout the layouts. The first two layouts stuck out to me the most, the darker image is more engaging. One suggestion would be to adjust the square menu, right now it doesn't seem like it fits. good job!
Dana Drakulich-King

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Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by kayla.pressburger »

I love the picture you used in your first layout. For the web version, you may want to try either turning the opacity down on the photo or adding a box behind your bodycopy to make it easier to read. Your second design has a nice layout as well, but the house makes me think of real estate instead of graphic design. Maybe you could try using the city picture in your second design?
Kayla Pressburger

veronica chapman
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Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by veronica chapman »

I like the first set the best. I think that you name and logo over the photo should be brighter somehow. they seem a bit muted next to the brightness of the bottom half.
