Project UNO Prelim

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Jaime Ramey
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Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by Jaime Ramey »

Hi Jason,
I really like the top design. I really like the way your doing name. Its designed really well.
Jaime Ramey

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Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by Jones »

These are great. I like the color choices and the images you chose. They are interesting and keep me engaged. Well done.

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Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by Stasiavous »

Hey Big Daddy!

I love the second design the best. It makes me WANT to press the buttons to see more - where the first design doesn't as much. Your photography is great and I really enjoyed reading your copy. The only think that I would change about the copy is where the words 'Graphic Designer' fall. I'd play around with the type a bit. Maybe use it as a design element? As always....YOU ROCK!! (maybe use Comic Sans? :lol: )
Staci Wilson

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Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by hiitsyuri24 »

Hi! I really like your images and your logo. They are really cool. I would suggest maybe you can use different fonts? Great job!
Yuri Aoki

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Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by jason_hosier »

Hey Jason, it looks like you've put alot of work into this project and it shows. The layout is good, the color is interesting, and the type is appropriately readable. Some of the margins concerning the paragraph are a bit off but its hard to find a good place for the paragraph. i had the same issue. i think the red flag is a bit over saturated. Looks good.
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Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by kj923 »

I love photography so I am immediately drawn to that design.

But after looking at your work closer, your flag placement really draws the eye throughout your design! And the different shades of red work well together!

Great work!
-Kaitlyn Johnson

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Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by clawson »

I like your logo, and the design of the links and project buttons. My favorite is the photo of the city.
Clara Lawson

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Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by themeg98 »

I like your second set of designs better due to their organization and legibility. Your logo on your second mobile design could be a little more prominent. Your color choices work well but your image doesn't seem like it fits the Modern feel you are trying to go for. Maybe a greyscale city skyline would work well rather than the snow image.
Megan Horner
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raton de biblioteca
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Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by raton de biblioteca »

Hi Jason,

I really like all four of your designs together! Each shows off a strong design aesthetic especially with the gray, red, black, and white chosen. I am leaning toward the 1st design that shows up on the page, I like the downward weight that each of the layout elements has as a whole. If I had to change something, it would be the grammar in your your phrase that includes your Marine Corp statement, the sentence is missing a direct object, I assume it would be the word "you" and I would also place an oxford comma at the end of the statement.


Rachel Cao
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Re: Project UNO Prelim

Post by Instructor »

I like your first design better, Jason. It's cleaner, more polished, and it has better margins.

You've got a great city shot for your layout there. It says you're local and it projects the kind of design you want to do. Apparently something good does happen after 1:00am in downtown. The dark colors of the city shot are nicely contrasted by the white background of you nav and, on your mobile layout, your content area. A very strong use of contrast. That's a strong logo you've got there. I like the way the type and color work together. It's a great example of asymmetrical balance. Ima' steal it for future layout lectures. Your navigation has great margins around it. Just the right amount of space. I like yor typographic choices. They really play well off of your logo. It looks like just one typeface, with multiple fonts and weights, but it does a great job of establishing hierarchy. I also like how you've taken your logo colors and branched them out all over your design. It really ties the whole thing together. I'm not usually a fan of multi-line buttons, but you've made it work here. I think becasue you broke the words in such "unnatural" places is why it looks good. It;'s obviously an artistic choice and not a screwup. I think labeling the buttons with the smaller text helps too. Good use of subtle transparency in your design on both the computer and mobile layouts, too.

Make the "1" and "2" on your buttons the same size as the "LI-NKS" and "WO-RK". Scoot the "WO" on your Work button over just a little bit so the left edge of the "W" matches up with the left edge of the "R". "Inspiration" on your links button seems a little crowded to the edges. Take all the button descriptors down a size so that they all have room to breathe and then make sure their left and top margins are identical. Watch your margins on the bodycopy, particularly at the bottom. I'd bring it up two or three lines to give some room to breathe. Look at the way you set it up on your mobile layout as an example. Also, I'd increase the leading on the bodycopy too. Again, like your mobile design.

Nice work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

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