My roughs

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Re: My roughs

Post by hiitsyuri24 »

Hi Megan!
Third one is my favorite. It is really cool, but your paragraph is hard to read. I would suggest change color or font. Great job!
Yuri Aoki

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Re: My roughs

Post by jason_hosier »

They are both good but i think the one with the vector graphics of mountains and mist is a little better. i like that its a little more colorful and they are laid out more effectively. your type is a good balance of readable and legible. Looks nice. :)
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Re: My roughs

Post by Jackal »

Hi Megan!!

I love your mountain range a lot! I would definitely play with the image a little more to see if you can add a wider range of mountains with different shades/tints. In your mobile version your type looks a little squished so I would space it out a little more. Your layouts are looking really nice so far tho and I like the dark themes!
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Re: My roughs

Post by Stasiavous »

Your second design with the mountains is beautiful! I love the colors, the layout and the typography. However, the copy is a little hard to read!
Staci Wilson

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Re: My roughs

Post by giusti56 »

Hey, I really like the road design and how it has a foggy feel to it. My only suggestion would be to fix the color on the left hand side on the project 2 type. It is a little dark and hard to read.
-Tony Giusti

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Re: My roughs

Post by clawson »

Creative monochromatic color scheme. both designs are very eye catching
Clara Lawson

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Re: My roughs

Post by Instructor »

Oh I think I like your layout two better. Mysterious!

That endless misty road. So atmospheric! The mobile version in particular makes excellent use of contrast. I like how it's in color, but it's so muted it might as well be grayscale. It's only technically in color, I suppose. The best detail about your whole design in the common gradient you have running through your buttons and your class navigation. It's something that you don't quite notice until you look again. Your logo is another pretty neat piece of subtlety. I find the square made out of brush strokes another one of those little details that make you go back and take a second look. I like your typeface choices. The script and sans-serif work really well together. Your navigation is large and usable, despite being in script. This whole composition goes from the center of the road down to the bottom and it really works.

You should center the road in the composition and put the logo centered on the road like you have it in your mobile design. Watch your margins on that mobile design. There's no margin from the bottom of the logo to the bottom of your image and your poor old bodycopy has no margin at it's top or bottom. I don't know that you need the italic font of your typeface for your bodycopy. I think a regular or light version would work just as well. Maybe a size or two smaller and with a bit more leading. I like the dark blue-gray bottom on your mobile. I think you should use that instead of black on your computer layout. I also like the way the gradient works on your mobile layout better than the one you have on your computer layout.

Good work! I like what you are going for here.
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raton de biblioteca
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Re: My roughs

Post by raton de biblioteca »

Hi Megan,

I gotta say, I love the mood that each of your designs has!!!!!! The most eye-catching design to me personally is the 2nd one. There is more color interest and value contrast that helps your eye go to different parts of the page. I think that there could be improvement in the font size used, but that could just be my personal preference. Maybe change the type to a yellow?


Rachel Cao
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Re: My roughs

Post by anayaestevan »

Hey Megan,

I definitely like the second set of roughs better! Has a more "grand feel to it." I feel like there's a lot of empty space not being used. Maybe your type and navigation could be bigger? I think both of your roughs are generally very dark. Using more saturated colors might help with contrast!
Estevan Anaya

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Re: My roughs

Post by Big_DaDdy »

Your first one is awesome! clean image and balanced feel. You have a good thing going with that one.
Jason Alavez
