Sarah's Offerings...

Post links to your Project One websites for discussion and feedback.
Jaime Ramey
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Re: Sarah's Offerings...

Post by Jaime Ramey »

HI Sarah,
I really like your website designs. I really like the way you used color with just a touch. Nice job!
Jaime Ramey

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Re: Sarah's Offerings...

Post by Jackal »

Hi Sarah!!

I really love both of your mobile designs, the textures in the image on the first one are nice! The only thing on the first mobile one is that there's a lot of white space. Other than that I really like your style and how light it is!
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Re: Sarah's Offerings...

Post by kj923 »

Your 1st and 3rd layout are my favs! I have a similar taste in design and really enjoy your work! If anything I would play around with some different fonts and see if anything works better :)
-Kaitlyn Johnson

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Re: Sarah's Offerings...

Post by clawson »

Inspiring designs, I like the both computer designs best.
Clara Lawson

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Re: Sarah's Offerings...

Post by themeg98 »

You definitely hit clean and simple right on the head without looking too bare so nice job. The line artwork is very sophisticated and complements your designs rather than distract people from them.
Megan Horner
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Re: Sarah's Offerings...

Post by Instructor »

You sure as heck nailed "clean and simple", Sarah. I like your second design better. At least I assume "project_one_computer_rough_second_sjones.jpg" and "project_one_mobil_two_rough_prelim_sjones.jpg" are the compute and mobile layouts of your second design. So those are the two I'm going to critique.

It was the imagery that really attracted me to your second design. Especially the jackalope skull. I think the images really speak to who you are. They compliment and kind of supplant your self description paragraphs. Having them both be complex line drawings really helps reinforce the simplicity you are going for here. Typographically, your layouts work pretty well too. I especially like the handwriting script and the typewriter sans-serif from your computer layout. Use those on your mobile layout. Using black and white emphasizes the simplicity and works with the complex line drawings. I do like the little splashes of color though. They make great framing accents and create borders for the eye to stay within.

I think you can shrink your bodycopy a size or two and add a little bit more leading and it will look a lot cleaner. Also watch the right margin on your bodycopy, it's getting a little close to your image. I like the butterscotch on your mobile version better than the yellow on your computer version.

Nice work!
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Re: Sarah's Offerings...

Post by Stasiavous »

Hey lady! I'm loving the simplicity. It speaks to me. I love the dandelion version the best. Your copy is awesome too, although I think it's a tad on the small size. I'd like to see it a bit bigger and maybe bolder? Love it!
Staci Wilson

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Re: Sarah's Offerings...

Post by hiitsyuri24 »

Hi Sarah! I love your designs. They are really cool. I would play with more fonts. Great job.
Yuri Aoki

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Re: Sarah's Offerings...

Post by Big_DaDdy »

Wow! beautiful art! The art work is however looking a bit low resolution. Maybe also creating project brackets to direct your viewers through your site.
Jason Alavez

raton de biblioteca
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Re: Sarah's Offerings...

Post by raton de biblioteca »

Hi Sarah,

All of the designs have a great cohesion! The layouts that I prefer are the 2nd and 3rd designs. The 2nd one because of the great center alignment/balance that is happening with the image and type. I also find it easier to read than the first one. The 3rd I like more than the 4th because I see more of a possibility to add onto the design as the semester progresses. I can't wait to see more :).


Rachel Cao
We are all just having too much fun ;)
