Project 1 Preliminary Critique

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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Post by Jackal »

Hi Emily!!

Wowow!! Both of your layouts are so good, your drawing style makes me think of Howl's Moving Castle and I luv it a lot! I like the top layout a lot! The second one is really striking but I think the first two represent your work really well and the use of the handwritten looking font was a nice touch. Nice job!!
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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Post by kj923 »

Super unique layout and design! I really like the different color combos! Maybe try blending your art into the layout a little smoother in your first design! Great job so far.
-Kaitlyn Johnson

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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Post by Big_DaDdy »

Kinky, lol
I love both designs! The first one is very artistic and creative however, the second one (Japan themed, JK) looks cleaner.
Simple layout. Modern looking. I love the color scheme.
Jason Alavez

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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Post by Stasiavous »

I love both of them and I think you should combine some o the elements of each of them to make one really great layout...we went over this together in class! <3
Staci Wilson

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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Post by clawson »

I like the illustration in the both designs and use of color. in mobile design 3 perhaps there are too many color bands for a small screen. I liked the texture added to design 1
Clara Lawson

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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Post by themeg98 »

Your headline is awesome and the first thing I noticed so great hierarchy. The artwork included brings a nice touch
Megan Horner
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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Post by raton de biblioteca »

Hi Emily,

I really like the 2nd one and the last one. The color choice is easy on the eyes and to me has a fun vintage feel, I like how even the navigation items really feel like they are part of a bigger texture. If there was something I would change it would probably be using more with the red! This to me has the most memorable character to it because it has more of a personal note impression.


Rachel Cao
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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Post by Instructor »

You've got some pretty strong designs here, Emily. Really excellent stuff. I think your top design is best, though. What sold me is the gag of marking up your own design. That got a good laugh out of me. :lol: And thus, I pick that design.

The top design really captures the minimalism of a mid century magazine ad. Your cartoons are certainly straight out of something like that. I'm picturing our heroine signaling the airplane pilots with Lucky Strike cigarettes or something. The layout makes great use of margin to create content groups throughout. Each little group presents an important piece of information. Ordinarily, I'd call out the fact that the home button is far away from the main navigation on your computer layout, but you've already marked it up with your teacher's red pen, so no need. Otherwise your navigation is great, clear and concise, easy to find and use. Your three font choices work together nicely as well. The serious sans-serif and serif types compliment each other nicely and work together well. I like your use of boldness and lightness to give the title and bodycopy extra differentiation. But what really takes the cake for me is the handwriting font. The fact that you marked up your own design has amused me and everyone in the office who I showed it to.

I'd keep the markup over your page title on the mobile version of your design. Otherwise, I do not see any issues with either design.

Great work! This is one I'll be showing off to coworkers and other deigners for a while.
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Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Post by anayaestevan »


I like the first layout a bit better. Drawings are nice and add a bit of personality.

Overall contrast and body copy could be stronger. I like that the character is looking at the other elements on the desktop version, makes it easy for the eye to follow. Keep up the good work.
Estevan Anaya

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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Post by agostina_renau »

definitely the second option! But I would choose different colors for the airplane.
Agostina From Argentina
