Project 01 roughs

Post links to your Project One websites for discussion and feedback.
Jaime Ramey
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Re: Project 01 roughs

Post by Jaime Ramey »

Hi Yuri,
I really like the one with the beach scene, it makes me want to be there. Nice job!
Jaime Ramey

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Re: Project 01 roughs

Post by Jones »


I like the way you used the image of the building to draw the eye through the information. The beach image is great on the second one as well. Those designs are the ones I think flow the best.

The color choice is peaceful.

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Re: Project 01 roughs

Post by Stasiavous »

Hi Yuri!

I'm drawn to your third design. The colors you've chosen are very calming and 'spa like" Love them. The typography seems to get lost a bit though.
Staci Wilson

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Re: Project 01 roughs

Post by Big_DaDdy »

Hello Yuri,
I love the colors you selected. I think the picture of you in Japan is nice but maybe a portrait picture with your face showing would help the design.
Japan has beautiful night lights and I was thinking maybe you could include the city lights and architecture to illustrate Japan in your design.
Also, your logo that I assume you created last semester looks great, but maybe deleting the white borders around would give your layout a cleaner look.
You're awesome Yuri.
Jason Alavez

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Re: Project 01 roughs

Post by Jackal »

Hi Yuri

I love your Eiffel tower mobile version, as well as the photo of the beach in your desktop version! One thing I'd recommend is maybe making your photo and introduction paragraph larger like you did in the second desktop design, so it'll still show off the beautiful background image but also you show that the main focus is the website about you. Nice job!!
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Re: Project 01 roughs

Post by clawson »

I like the beach design best, I think the elements all work well together. Good job
Clara Lawson

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Re: Project 01 roughs

Post by themeg98 »

I really like your color choices and imagery! :) I think your type across the board can be bigger in order to make the body copy easier to read. You can also venture into some more decorative fonts to bring some more of that personality in!
Megan Horner
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raton de biblioteca
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Re: Project 01 roughs

Post by raton de biblioteca »

Hi Yuri,

I agree with the others on this one, color choice is very well done! I enjoy the 2nd and 4th designs and the logo with your initials! If there was something I would change it would be the spacing of the type. I like the font used on your name I would play around with the font used on the 1st design, it has a better pacing with the overall aesthetic that you have chosen.


Rachel Cao
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Re: Project 01 roughs

Post by Instructor »

I like the light breezy style of your second one better. I'm assuming "website02.jpg" is the computer layout and "website04.jpg" is it's mobile layout. So that's what I'll be critiquing.

You've got a clean layout for your second design here. I especially like the color palette you've chosen. Teals and blue work well together and provide a fresh fell to a design. The white gives it it's cleanliness. The whole layout functions as a scrapbook style background for your photos. The photo you've chosen for this test layout is really interesting. I like it's composition. The complexity of the background juxtaposed with the relative simplicity of the lady in the kimono adds visual depth to the whole piece. You have generally good margins throughout your computer layout too. I like your navigation too. It's tiled in your teals. The accent scallops work well too. They really show off your teals and are a nice design touch.

I'm not fond of the marker font you've chosen. I don't think it works well with the super clean vector layout you otherwise have. Something like Avant Garde or Gotham would work better. I think you can remove the blue background on your mobile layout and just use white and splashes of color like you've done for your computer layout. Watch the left margin of your bodycopy on the computer layout. It's awfully close to your image. Also, your margins on your mobile layout are awfully tight. I think that will go away if you just kick out the blue background though.

A good start!
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Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 01 roughs

Post by anayaestevan »

Hey Yuri,

I like the second design more. Color scheme and tropical vibe are working for me.

I think the thing you could improve on the most, is type choice. They could be a lot more expressive. I would also like to see more of the browns and greens in the mobile layout. Good luck!
Estevan Anaya
