Preliminary Roughs for Project 1

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Re: Preliminary Roughs for Project 1

Post by emilyduke »

Both of these are really great and well put together. I like the simplicity of the first two, but both are awesome! I think the second design has a nice vintage feel.
Starfish ✩ emily duke

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Re: Preliminary Roughs for Project 1

Post by Jones »

I really, really, really like these. They make me smile. The images are great. I like how they are softer. The color choices are great, and the text body is easy to digest. Nice.

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Re: Preliminary Roughs for Project 1

Post by Stasiavous »

Hi Kayla!

I love the second one. It's very soft and feminine and it reminds me of you! The only think I would change a bit is the position of the word 'design' in your logo. Make it a tad bigger and pushed up against the g in your last name maybe? Also, the typeface you chose for the paragraph doesn't seem to it. Maybe a sans serif would work better? LOVE THEM!!
Staci Wilson

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Re: Preliminary Roughs for Project 1

Post by Jackal »

Hi Kayla!

Both of your layouts are so pleasing to look at! I like your layout with the mountains the most because while there isn't a lot going on your use of space makes it look full/complete if that makes sense?? The only thing I could say is play around with different fonts for your headline like you did with your second design! Luv it!!
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Re: Preliminary Roughs for Project 1

Post by clawson »

I like the watercolor feel of the black and white design. I like the muted colors in the flower design. Good work.
Clara Lawson

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Re: Preliminary Roughs for Project 1

Post by themeg98 »

I love your mountain design so much. Its powerful and peaceful all at the same time! The Second set reflects your style much more in my opinion and your color choices and imagery compliment each other well and the text layout is nice and simple enough to read.
Megan Horner
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raton de biblioteca
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Re: Preliminary Roughs for Project 1

Post by raton de biblioteca »

Hi Kayla,

When I saw both of your designs, I was like, "wha what?!" They are both so different and so artfully interesting! I enjoy the mood that both designs have. With the description and the design together, the second design is more appropriate in the cohesion between the context and the vintage wash. But I can't turn away from the appeal of the mobile design of the mountain, it has a lot of good qualities with the navigation placement and the balance on the screen.


Rachel Cao
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Re: Preliminary Roughs for Project 1

Post by Instructor »

Hey There to you too. You've got two really good designs here, Kayla, but I prefer your "Rough 2"s. I like the layout better.

Your Rough 2s are a textbook example of using proximity to create groups. Your content, navigation, and logo are separate groups that are tied together with your well chosen background image. The background image really gives your design a distant, mysterious feel. It gives a chill in the air. On both designs, the eye moves from the top left, where your navigation is, through the background image, and down to the bottom right, where your content is. I find, looking at it, that I don't miss color or feel like the design would be improved by adding it. It works just as fine in medium contrast grayscale. I like your typographic choices as well. One typeface, different fonts and weights. And yet you do a really good job of establishing heirarchy. I like the placement of the page title to make a bounding edge on your type. The vertical and horizontal accent lines work to call the eye in the absence of color. Your navigation is easy to see and use and blends nicely with the rest of the design.

I think you can get away with shrinking your bodycopy a size or two, especially on your mobile layout. Otherwise, I don't see much wrong here.

Nicely done!
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Re: Preliminary Roughs for Project 1

Post by anayaestevan »

Hey Kayla,

I like your second design a bit more. I like the muted colors and it works well with the imagery. Reminds me of a blog.

Only thing that could be really improved are minor alignments and text justification. Otherwise, very good job!
Estevan Anaya

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Re: Preliminary Roughs for Project 1

Post by Big_DaDdy »

awesome work Kayla.
I love them both. The top one feels more like a book cover to me. The second layout has more of a web feel.
Again I love both of your art work!
Jason Alavez
