Sarah's Offerings...

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Re: Sarah's Offerings...

Post by giusti56 »

Hello, I like the simple, think, and artistic designs on all of them. I think it looks unique and is something different. I think maybe a type to go with how think the lines are in the design might work.
-Tony Giusti

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Re: Sarah's Offerings...

Post by Zera-Chann »

I love the one with dear skull on it! I would love to see how that would look as a desktop layout

Best of luck!!

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Joined: Tue Aug 28, 2018 9:32 pm

Re: Sarah's Offerings...

Post by Tickosity »

I like how open your designs feel, they don't feel cluttered or over done. I also like that there is just a hint of color to accent areas. Maybe there could be a little more color to draw the eye to different places.
Latham Furman

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Re: Sarah's Offerings...

Post by matt »

Hi Sarah,

I really really like the first design, the illustration is done so well it's stunning to look at! I also like the black and white color scheme for your site. No doubt this will lend itself to quicker loads speeds if you wanted decrease the quality of the image without losing the integrity of the image.
Matty James
