Project 1 Final

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Project 1 Final

Post by emilyduke »

Hi this is my final design. I went with this one because I just think its fun. I justified the text on both layouts and incorporated a texture like I had in my other design because I liked that. I also forgot to add a chunk of her hair on the last design so ya. I solved this project by creating a web site that represents myself and my design skillz, while following all requirements.

Here are two websites I found informational:
The first website has lists of thousands of award winning websites/designs, and I looked through here a lot while designing my own layouts.

The second post is about coding basics, and kind of breaks down the basic level of web design/coding/html etc. ... -explained
Starfish ✩ emily duke

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by Drakula »

Hi Emily,

I agree this layout is a lot of fun! You did a really good job of displaying your personality on this project. Plus your artwork is awesome!! Great job
Dana Drakulich-King

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by jason_hosier »

I really like the little subtle elements of your design that move the eye along the page. The way your background color transitions into the image of the sky. The red crayon line at the top of your web version really completes it.
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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by Instructor »

It IS fun, Emily. Nicely chosen.

I'm still laughing about the "client markups" on this design. The whole structure of it is fun. I've been passing it around work and one of my coworkers mentioned that it looks like the cartoon drawings in some old army manuals, and now I can't unsee it. I really like it's whole clean retro aesthetic. It shows your sense of humor, plus the "client markups" show that you have a good critical eye for this stuff. Great use of margin throughout your design as well. Everything feels well placed. Good typography choices too. The handwriting font makes for a great contrast with the cleaner serif and sans-serif fonts in the non-comedy portions of the design.

You've fixed my issues from your preliminary critiques and I can find now new ones.

Fantastic work! A real highlight for this Project.
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by anayaestevan »


These are great! Love the illustrations and simulated halftones.

Be careful about horizontal alignments on the text as well as social media icons.
Estevan Anaya

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by Jones »

These are really fun layouts with great character. I like the feel of them and find them very easy to navigate. I enjoy how you added underlines and circles. The art is great as well. Noice!

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by tweetysmurf2350 »

I still love your tag line! It totally encompasses what it means to be an artist and a designer.
Terri J. Taber

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by Jackal »

Emily, these are so great!! Again I really love your art style, and the only thing I would say is maybe have the texture fade out so it doesn't cover the entire patch of sky. Either way I love your sites, good job!!
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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by agostina_renau »

where did the red dots go? I liked them!!
But I like this very much, it projects on me what you are going through in your career, soaring!!
Agostina From Argentina

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by kj923 »

I really like your designs and layouts they feel very organized, thought out, and complete!
I also really like the colors you chose!

great job!
-Kaitlyn Johnson
