Projecto Uno Final

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Projecto Uno Final

Post by Big_DaDdy »

Wasn't feeling my first two designs so I created something completely different. I felt this is cleaner, easy to navigate and colors flow nicely.
The only thing I would take out would be the paragraph of self but I know it's required.
What are your thoughts?

I really liked these blogs on creativity of clean design: ... nspiration ... b-designs/
Jason Alavez

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Re: Projecto Uno Final

Post by Drakula »

Hey Jason,

Your picture is so cool, nice technique! I like what you did with your layout, it's very clean and modern. Your logo is an interesting touch, while subtle it's effective. Great job!!
Dana Drakulich-King

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Re: Projecto Uno Final

Post by emilyduke »

Hey! This is awesome, it looks like its already a website! I think you could even use the original image unedited of you because the rest of the design looks so clean and crisp, but either way it looks great!
Starfish ✩ emily duke

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Re: Projecto Uno Final

Post by jason_hosier »

simple concept well executed. Why did you use two different styles of alignment in your body copy on the web version? it looks like it anyway
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Re: Projecto Uno Final

Post by evexhouses »

I really love this idea! The layout is fresh and clean, and the texture effect that you used on your photo is awesome! Great job!
~"Graphic Design is my passion" -idk

-Evelyn Lopez

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Re: Projecto Uno Final

Post by anayaestevan »


Like the improved layout! Your logo is nice and everything is easy to read.

Be careful with your alignments. Social media icons look a bit off. What is the reason you added that effect to your portrait. I find it confusing and a bit distracting.
Estevan Anaya

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Re: Projecto Uno Final

Post by Jones »

The image is attention grabbing and the design is strong and well balanced. It is easy to read and navigate. The color choices are great.

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Re: Projecto Uno Final

Post by tweetysmurf2350 »

Can I just say that I love that picture of you! It looks so amazing and the knockout nature of it just adds to the design! Good work!
Terri J. Taber

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Re: Projecto Uno Final

Post by Jackal »

Hi Jason!

I like that you went with a brand new layout, I think it represents you and your style really well. Only thing I would say is to make sure your social media icons are aligned, nice job!!
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Re: Projecto Uno Final

Post by agostina_renau »

I have the feeling I already commented on your design, no?
I like the huge jump and difference between the preliminary and this!! so much better!
keep it up big daddy.
Agostina From Argentina
