Projecto Uno Final

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Re: Projecto Uno Final

Post by kj923 »

I like your font variety! very clean and simple! Looks good with you pop of color :)
-Kaitlyn Johnson

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Re: Projecto Uno Final

Post by Instructor »

Oh wow. You went in a completely different direction than your prelims. Nice! It looks like you're getting ready to drop an album here. Got a Soundcloud? :D

This design is a textbook use of margins, alignments and proximity to create a layout. Margins, because everything has exactly the right amount of room to breathe without fragmenting. Alignment, beacuse you know exactly where your edges are and use them to create shapes and lines where there are none, like the fake line you created down the left edge from your logo to your bodycopy to your copyright on your computer design. Proximity, because you took several of those well margined groups and created three solid blocks on your computer layout, with a large content area in the middle. On your phone layout you use it to make two vertical columns. Your phone one moves the eye in a reverse "C" from your logo around to your copyright. Your use of contrast immediately establishes a content hierarchy. Your type is well chosen and easy to read. I like the use of lines to keep the eye moving horizontally across your navigation. The gradients you use are very subtle and really add a last bit of texture. And you even used a phone notch for your social media. Lol!

My only real issue with it is the vertically compressed type in your footer. It's a little jarring compared with the rest of the type in the design.

Great job!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Projecto Uno Final

Post by hiitsyuri24 »

Really cool! I like how you put the picture. Great job!
Yuri Aoki

raton de biblioteca
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Re: Projecto Uno Final

Post by raton de biblioteca »

I agree with the others, the texture on the image is a nice touch! I would lower/increase the margin on the top part of the screen where the navigation is placed, this is mostly because I enjoy more space for my own browser.
Rachel Cao
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Re: Projecto Uno Final

Post by giusti56 »

Hello, I like your designs a lot, and I especially like how easy it is to recognize that this website is about you. The image of yourself adds a lot to the composition and works well with the overall flow.
-Tony Giusti

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Re: Projecto Uno Final

Post by Stasiavous »

I love that your picture is the main focus of the design. People do business with people they like and you gotta love that face! It represents your personality perfectly. Awesome work as always!
Staci Wilson

"I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not too sure" -Not too sure

veronica chapman
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Re: Projecto Uno Final

Post by veronica chapman »

Really nice. Well done. My only suggestion is to maybe play with the alignment on your body copy.
