project 2 roughs

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project 2 roughs

Post by Drakula »

Hello Class,

Here is my "bad" website, it's very outdated and needs some love. There are some pretty elements that I Incorporated into some of the designs, I worked on finding a verity font, so please let me know what you think! Their main competitors is Swoon Bridal, and my inspirational site is If the image looks cut off, it's intended to scroll.

Looking forward to your thoughts!
Dana Drakulich-King

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Re: project 2 roughs

Post by Jones »

These look soooo much better than the original. I like the images you chose and the color of the font actually matches the name... whoa! ;) Nicely done. They are classy and appropriate for the shop. The images have a great dream quality to them.

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Re: project 2 roughs

Post by kayla.pressburger »

These are really pretty, however I feel they're a little too close to the original designs as far as colors and background go. Maybe you could try a softer blue to go with the bridal theme. I really like the font you used on the name and I like how you used MUCH nicer photos than the original in your layout! You might try a serif font to go with the script font?
Kayla Pressburger

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Re: project 2 roughs

Post by Instructor »

Sign me up for your "rough-one"s. I really like the large photo on your homepage. Big photos really sell products and services, so if you can design your website around big photos, all the better. I like your type choices as well. Your script titling type feels classy and upscale and your content type is clean and conveys information well. The navigation is easy to see and use. Your other photos are well chosen and illustrative of what you are selling. I like your color choices as well. White is, of course, a traditional wedding color, but the blue is really new and different and I think works for what you are trying to go for here. It's a traditional color, like white, but it also conveys calmness. Hopefully, it'll help all the bridezillas out there to take a breath.

The type really should be white with a faint drop shadow on your computer home page. The blue type is a little dark for that image. The blue works fine for the mobile version though. Your inner page doesn't really need the blue bar. Or, if you include it, make it a pale blue to match the sky on the photo on your mobile homepage and have it graduate to white, rather than abruptly shift.

Nice work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: project 2 roughs

Post by emilyduke »

The last two layouts are really eye catching to me, I think the large photo looks really nice and the colors work perfect with the blue type color chosen. I might suggest testing out different colors like white for the navigation buttons, the title is great in blue but for me all of the type in blue is a little much!
Starfish ✩ emily duke

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Re: project 2 roughs

Post by raton de biblioteca »

I am enjoying the first rough choice between the two, the navigation bar on rough #2 is distracting. I like the font choice and clarity and the pose of the photograph is well angled with the font choice.
Rachel Cao
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Re: project 2 roughs

Post by tweetysmurf2350 »

The bottom designs are very elegant and organized and defiantly look like they belong to a bridal shop. Good Job!
Terri J. Taber

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Re: project 2 roughs

Post by jason_hosier »

The original looked like a JCPennys add. you have made it look modern and up to date while keeping it close to the original source. looks great!
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Re: project 2 roughs

Post by evexhouses »

Cute websites! Love the color schemes and the fact that you chose to scrap the script font in the navigation bars haha. I do agree with Micheal that the last design looks the best, changing your blue text to white could make it look awesome!
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Re: project 2 roughs

Post by hiitsyuri24 »

Hi Dana!
I like the last one a lot. The image you chose works really well I think. On the phone version, I would make the buttons to the left little bit.
Yuri Aoki
