Project 3 Kathyleen Bullard

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Project 3 Kathyleen Bullard

Post by zelouzelou »

Kathyleen Bullard

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Re: Project 3 Kathyleen Bullard

Post by mminten »

Can't say anything bad about this site. It is simple and easy to navigate. Good Job!
Matthew Minten - GRC 175 - Fall 2011

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Re: Project 3 Kathyleen Bullard

Post by miss_kristine »

This came out wonderfully. Looks like a professional site!
Kristine Toward

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Re: Project 3 Kathyleen Bullard

Post by Lundholm »

I normally say something good AND something.. well, not bad... but advice..
You didn't leave any room for constructive criticism in this site. So all I can say is something good.
BEAUTIFUL site... Very clean, very informative, yet still graphically pleasing... and very professional.
- Nathan Lundholm

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Re: Project 3 Kathyleen Bullard

Post by nelso220 »

I really like your site a lot, and I really liked it when you showed it at preliminary.

What I really like is that, it feels like a great, clean remake of the grc website without it looking too mediocre and also not making it look too... corporate (no offense to our school, but this is a community college) What I'm trying to say is that this feels and runs and looks like what I think a realistic GRC remade website kind of would go into the direction of. (imo)

I'm really liking the added open lab and schedule on the side. I can't tell you how many times I've checked teacher websites (like Dan) to find the open lab schedule to be completely outdated lol.

Good semester! C: I hope to see you around! (this is Ashlie with the always broken bug btw)
Ashlie Nelson

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Re: Project 3 Kathyleen Bullard

Post by Vi_Vi »

I won't be surprise to see your website as the real GRC website. It's very simple but also very very nice. Personally I'm not a fan of plain website, or white background, but your site is just perfect. Very nice job.
Vy Tat...

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Re: Project 3 Kathyleen Bullard

Post by MadBroChadBro »

I like the site. It is very simple and easy to navigate which I like a lot. A few things I might have changed: I would have linked the picture thumbnails so the user knows they can click them to enlarge them, I would have put a margin on the bottom so the type is easier to read down there, and I might have used a little more imagery elsewhere on the page. Those are minor things that are personal preferences. I love the teacher page. They are all superheroes! Great job on the website!
Charlie Lipon
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Re: Project 3 Kathyleen Bullard

Post by jfotodesign »

looks real good i like the layout very conservative =D
my Kia beats

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Re: Project 3 Kathyleen Bullard

Post by olddragon »

A very effective and professional website. I like your links to the faculty websites and their contact information (which I forgot to add on mine). I also like the lab hours being so prominent and it adds color and a graphic element to the page. I did have a bit of a problem on the gallery understanding the setup there, because I missed the bottom arrows when the page did not open fully, so perhaps they could be sized a bit differently? Don't know. I am not the one to ask for solutions. I would also like to see just the hint of color on the top text design element in the header.. perhaps one of the header colors on the body copy at low opacity? You would have to try it to see if it works. Just to give the header a tiny bit more contrast at the top of the page.
Arlene Williams
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Re: Project 3 Kathyleen Bullard

Post by hillysho »

I love your use of typography, it looks great! Simple, clean easy to use. One thing that gets me is that it doesn't feel like your gallery matches. That is nitpicky, though, because it looks really good!
Hilary Shohoney
