
This is an archive subforum of the previous version of Project Three. This is for inspiration only. DO NOT POST YOUR PROJECT THREES HERE.
veronica chapman
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Post by veronica chapman »

here is my link to project 2 final. My project 2 opens well in all formats but my project 1 only lines up correctly if opened in Firefox. So if you could Please open in Firefox, I would really appreciate it and you will see the correct version. ... a-chapman/

Thank you !

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Re: project-2-final

Post by Jones »

I like the pattering you have on the background image you chose. The border is fun too. I like the re-do, it has a great image holding it all together. Well done!

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Re: project-2-final

Post by Drakula »

The home page is really cool! The color scheme gives a really moody artsy feel. Good job!
Dana Drakulich-King

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Re: project-2-final

Post by hiitsyuri24 »

I like the colors and images you used! Great job
Yuri Aoki

raton de biblioteca
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Re: project-2-final

Post by raton de biblioteca »

The website revision is well done! I appreciate the images used for each of the products it tells me that it is an art store immediately. Your portfolio page shows up really well with the purple, yellow, and black. The images of your work pop against the page, I like the depth.
Rachel Cao
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Re: project-2-final

Post by Instructor »

Look at that! You did a good job translating your Project One from layout to real HTML and your Project Two is a good clean layout. It's also a hub and spoke design. Hm. I'm seeing a lot of those this semester. That's brave. You've got good navigation on both sites, even if your Project Two's site structure is a little unorthodox. Both of your designs have great contrast in their navigations. I also really like the overall complimentary color system in your Project One. Great texture and type as well. The framing lines make for a good structure on it. Your Project Two has a good structure too with a strong navigation up at the top and a good middle content area.

I noticed that none of your pages has a page title. Remember that in future websites. I also get why you went with the gray background on your Project Two (to make the colorful pictures stand out better), but if you're going to use such a dreary color, please use more/larger colorful images. The Project Two is a little depressing without them.

Nice work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: project-2-final

Post by kj923 »

I like the grey and black contrast in your project 2! The main font is pretty cool too!
Good job on using your margins!
-Kaitlyn Johnson

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Re: project-2-final

Post by tweetysmurf2350 »

This looks very clean and organized, however, the navigation wasn't working very well. But it might just be my POS outdated laptop.
Terri J. Taber

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Re: project-2-final

Post by agostina_renau »

i like the color scheme for project one, and even though project two is about art supplies, the grey looks good!!
great job.
Agostina From Argentina
