Final Project 2

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Final Project 2

Post by hiitsyuri24 »

Hi everyone,

This is my website I kept my website simple!

Also, this is my redesign of my bad website ... index.html. I hope this is better than the original one ...
Yuri Aoki

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Re: Final Project 2

Post by Drakula »

Hey Yuri!

Nice job! The menu made me really want beer and sausage! I love the texture of the brick wall in the background it gives that feeling of a cool hangout spot in combination with your elegant table setting really put the atmosphere of the restaurant on the site. Your home page worked out well too, the headline/logo is amazing! (Thanks for playing with my daughter, she loves you lol)
Dana Drakulich-King

raton de biblioteca
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Re: Final Project 2

Post by raton de biblioteca »

The colors translated really well onto both website! The name headline on your portfolio is so eye-catching with the transparencies. I also like the cursive font choice on the restaurant website inner pages.
Rachel Cao
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Re: Final Project 2

Post by Instructor »

Looking minty fresh there, Yuri. Your Project Two is just ... mmmmmmm beer gradient. Sorry what? I was distracted there for a minute. Wait, did you use a hub and spoke site layout for your Project Two? That's brave. Not sure if I agree with it, but it is brave nonetheless. Good use of injected fonts on both of your projects. I especially like the ghost kanji over your name on your Project One. Great use of live type and z-index there. Your navigation is very strong on both of your projects too. Easy to find and use. And I especially like the little bit of transparency on the rollovers on your Project Two. Good use of illustrative images on Project Two. They really tell me what the place looks and feels like and make me hungry for their food. And that beer gradient is just marvelous. Yum!

I think the dividers between your buttons on your Project One are a little harsh. I think they'd look more "realistic" if you made the shadow color a dark mint and the highlight color a light mint. Also, make the page that links to your projects look similar to your home page. You need a home page button on your Project Two inner pages so that users can get back to the central page in your hub and spoke site layout.

Good work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Final Project 2

Post by kj923 »

I like the teal color you used in your project 1 website! Your project 2website is very awesome!! Pretty easy to navigate and I like the font choice
-Kaitlyn Johnson

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Re: Final Project 2

Post by tweetysmurf2350 »

These look very organized and professional looking.
Terri J. Taber

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Re: Final Project 2

Post by Jones »

I really like the way both your sites turned out. The Bavarian one makes me hungry. Fantastic images and I like the way you used the brick wall as a background. I like the way your header turned out on your profile as well. Nice work!

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Re: Final Project 2

Post by agostina_renau »

i think you did a great job for project 2! i like a lot the overlapping header for project 1
Agostina From Argentina
