Project 2 Final

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Project 2 Final

Post by Jackal »


This is kind of late because once I finally figured out how to get my site up and working, I completely forgot we had to post it on the server.
I did design my site on my laptop so I know the sizing might be a little weird.

So here is my site! There are some little things I will go back and tweak, but or the most part I had lots of fun getting used to typing code and watching my website... Be a website haha. ... -aguillon/
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Re: Project 2 Final

Post by Drakula »

Your home page is awesome!!! The sun animation is amazing and the nav bar being at the bottom was very interesting. Your site is great too, I think you did the headline really well and I enjoyed the minimalist touch. Great job!
Dana Drakulich-King

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Re: Project 2 Final

Post by hiitsyuri24 »

I love the sun animation! It is really cool. I also like the types you chose for the other website. Great job!
Yuri Aoki

raton de biblioteca
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Re: Project 2 Final

Post by raton de biblioteca »

I agree, that sun animation is freakin' amazing! It goes really well with your logo and font choice! The revision of the band website goes really with the original page branding. I am seriously jealously looking up how to add music to my page right now cuz it adds a great level of depth to the page with the cd covers. Well done!
Rachel Cao
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Re: Project 2 Final

Post by emilyduke »

Im very jealous of your profile site, I would maybe suggest trying out a diff color for the nav on that one! Your proj 2 is awesome too, lots of details! Great job!
Starfish ✩ emily duke

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Re: Project 2 Final

Post by Instructor »

Oh nicely done, Jackal. I especially like the animation of the sunset on your Project One.

You've done a bang-up job of replicating your Project One and Two designs in HTML, which is easier said than done. Your Project Two looks much better with the sans-serif type. It really enhances the arms-length cleanliness of it all. I like the way your Project Two seems to tell its story mostly through pictures. It reminds me quite a lot of the Internet K-Hole found photos website. The color and contrast is working just as well on your Project One as it did on the fixed design. The color, or lack thereof, is working well on your Project Two. It lets the photos provide most of the color and keeps from interfering with them. You've got good use of margin and padding on both designs. The navigation on both is easy to see and use. Both designs translate well to a browser and work nicely on my screen.

I'm not sold on the italicized serif type on your Project One bottom navigation. It seems to clash with the clean, high-contrast look you have going with the rest of the design. I also think your Project Two could use something a little sharper than the default link blue on the contact page.

Great work!
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Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 2 Final

Post by kayla.pressburger »

Both of your websites look great! I'm loving the minimalism of your Project 2 site. Like others have said, you might consider changing the navigation on your personal page up a bit to match with the rest of your website. Great work!
Kayla Pressburger

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Re: Project 2 Final

Post by tweetysmurf2350 »

Great Job, Jackal! I am impressed that you figured out how to get the music player in there. That's some mad HTML skills.
Terri J. Taber

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Re: Project 2 Final

Post by agostina_renau »

wow! I like your project 2 very very very much. good job.
and the gif in project 1 is cool too. different.
Agostina From Argentina
