Project 3 Prelim <3

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Re: Project 3 Prelim <3

Post by Stasiavous »

I love BOTH of them! I think I'm leaning towards the purple tree one though...only because I know what you have in store for it though. :-) Amazing as always!
Staci Wilson

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Re: Project 3 Prelim <3

Post by Jones »

These are all great! I find the first offering the most fun, interesting and easy to navigate while still being different from the "norm". The images (are they yours again?) are such a cool depiction of the campus. I really like the feel of these. The color choices on the first one are great (second one too) but I like the first the mostest... nice work. I like the individualist touch you brought to the project.

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Re: Project 3 Prelim <3

Post by Jackal »

You already know which one a prefer!! But it came out so good, I can't wait to see your live website!
I would recommend adding something to your content pages to tie it to the home page.
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Re: Project 3 Prelim <3

Post by hiitsyuri24 »

I love both of your design, but my favorite is the second one. I really like the images you chose!
Yuri Aoki

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Re: Project 3 Prelim <3

Post by Instructor »

Wow, nice stylization on that first one. Go with that! Your second design is very good, but the first really stands out.

It's the illustration. That's such a strong piece and immediately captures the user's attention. I especially like your color choices on it and how you reflect them throughout the rest of the design. It makes the whole thing feel like a pretty sunset is being cast over it. The warm purple makes for a great background color. It's easy to contrast against without being as stark as black. Good typographic choices too. They contrast well with each other and it doesn't feel like there's too many of them. Your navigation is well placed and easy to use. Your clean layout and great color choices make the website easy to get information out of.

I don't think your inner page needs to be so plain. I think it would still look good with either the vector TMCC campus still there (a little closer to the top on the inner pages maybe), or with some imagery. Images of either cool designs, students doing design work, or images that reinforce what you are saying in the text, or some combination of those. Make sure your button text on your secondary navigation is all the same size, "AAS" is much larger than "Cert of Achievement" right now.

Great job!
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Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 3 Prelim <3

Post by kj923 »

Very cool design work, but I think I'm leaning towards your second design! I like the pictures of people graduating and looking happy while they work! It sends a good message to the viewer!
-Kaitlyn Johnson
