Project 3 Final!

Post links to your Project Three websites for discussion and feedback.
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Project 3 Final!

Post by kayla.pressburger »

Here's a link to my project 3 website! ... index.html

Thanks for all the feedback throughout the semester (:
Kayla Pressburger

Posts: 100
Joined: Wed Aug 29, 2018 3:56 pm

Re: Project 3 Final!

Post by agostina_renau »

I hope TMCC realizes they should use this website.
You are one of my favorites ever since that skull/succulent t shirt.
Good luck!
Agostina From Argentina

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Joined: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:24 pm

Re: Project 3 Final!

Post by Drakula »

Great job as always!
Dana Drakulich-King

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Re: Project 3 Final!

Post by jason_hosier »

awesome. its like looking in a microscope and finding graphic design elements. you got your science in my design! you got your design in my science! aww, nice.
"Any law that cannot bend in a storm is destined to be broken."
