proj. 3 final critique

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raton de biblioteca
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proj. 3 final critique

Post by raton de biblioteca »

Howdy everybody,

Here is the link for my fixed landing page. And here is the link to my GA&MT info site. Not sure why, but the site looks better in Chrome.

Best regards,

Rachel Cao
Rachel Cao
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Re: proj. 3 final critique

Post by Drakula »

Your site is Awesome!! it really represents Reno :) Good luck with your life!
Dana Drakulich-King

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Re: proj. 3 final critique

Post by kayla.pressburger »

I love the theme of your website! It's so unique, and I especially love the addition of Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., and Dean Martin. Very classy! Great work!
Kayla Pressburger

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Re: proj. 3 final critique

Post by jason_hosier »

wow you make the graphics program look both glamorous and seedy. lol . this is really unique. you have an interesting mind.
"Any law that cannot bend in a storm is destined to be broken."
