Preliminary Critique

Post links to your Project One websites for discussion and feedback.
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Preliminary Critique

Post by JBobier »

Hello Michael and classmates,
I am posting my (2) mobile website roughs and my (2) web roughs. I look forward to any critique and recommendations that any can offer. I plan to do some more with effects, fonts, opacity etc. For today I was just thinking about layout.

A couple of good links that I know I will be using are:

Here are a couple of my favorite websites. Both can hook a person in for a very long time:

I look forward to seeing all of yours and listening to your feedback.


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Re: Preliminary Critique

Post by John1612 »

I honestly think you don't need any more effects in your designs. The design is very well thought out in both. I prefer the one at the bottom and the logo you created. It is an excellent design element, and I like how the cursive type element speaks with the design choice.

SUBMITTED BY: Charlie Johnson
Last edited by John1612 on Fri Feb 15, 2019 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Preliminary Critique

Post by z1claudia »

Hi, definitely like the top 2 designs better. The only critiques/recommendations I can give are:

In the mobile version, spread out and make the social media icons a little bit smaller. Raise the body text a littler closer to your name so it looks more unified. Having some type of block or container for the menu buttons (home, project 1,...) I feel like it works better in the web design to have them floating versus in the mobile.

I really like the web version. Again I would suggest maybe raising the body text again just a bit closer to your name. I like the menu buttons in this design but I feel like they could stand out more. At a quick glance they blend in a bit with the background. You can try a more bolder font or maybe a different color to stand out just a bit more and not be almost blending with the background.

Hope this helps.
Claudia Zamudio

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Re: Preliminary Critique

Post by itsdrrlcarden »

I really enjoy your color palettes and font Choices. I feel like the one with the laptop looks better as the computer version because on the mobile version I kind of cuts off the laptop and makes it look a little funny. But I really like that layout of it and I think for your final you should continue with that one. Great Designs!!
-Darrell Carden GRC175

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Re: Preliminary Critique

Post by lewlewland »

I like the top two designs most. I think that the blue in the other two are a little overbearing. If it were perhaps a slightly more mellow color I think it could work better. The top two designs look a little more professional to me. The only thing I'd suggest is maybe putting a white transparent shape behind your buttons/body text to make it a little more noticeable or possibly turning down the opacity of the background image. However I think the layout is great!

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Re: Preliminary Critique

Post by stars2night »

I like your blue version 2 better. I really like the font you used for you name. I feel like the navigation buttons could be improved a little bit. If you were going to leave them in that area of the webpage, I think on the computer version that the buttons should be closer together. I feel like the buttons would be better if they were a single color, hopefully not red. Maybe a complimentary or split complimentary or triadic color from that blue. You could also keep the gray or go with one of the complimentary/etc colors.
The gray goes well with the logo though.

Another option with those navigation buttons on the second version: create a black banner right below the reno header (the same black as the picture) and then do on that black banner put the navigation links in thick white font. You can later, with CSS, make it so that when you hover over the links, it could flip colors for that area to turn white with the text black. It could be cool that way.
- Katrina Allen (Alera)


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Re: Preliminary Critique

Post by Instructor »

Oh, nicely done John.

I'm a fan of your first design. I like high contrast websites and websites with photographic backgrounds and yours is both. I especially like the choice of white type. It really stands out against the dark photo. Good choice of typefaces as well. The sans-serif type and the pseudo-handwritten title work well together and have good visual separation. Your image choice is very strong too. It has a good blend of warm and cool colors and the dominant blue/orange theme of the whole piece is nicely complimentary. Nice use of margins throughout too. You've really established good grouping with all your objects.

I don't think your bodycopy or navigation needs to be italicized. I think if they were regular, it'd contrast really nicely with the pseudo-handwritten title. Maybe make your bodycopy a little lighter, like a medium or a regular to provide some stronger visual hierarchy between it and your navigation and title.

Nice work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Preliminary Critique

Post by Gr8K8 »

I like your first designs best, but I really like your personal logo in your second design!
I really like the way you aligned your Home-Contact text with the facebook-linkedin icons to form this rectangular space in your design.

In the mobile version of your first design, I think you could maybe move your name up slightly as well as possibly making it just slightly larger. This would make it stand out a bit more next to the bulk of your text. Also, I agree with z1claudia that you could move the body paragraph up and away from the corner of that phone a bit.
Kaitlin Wallberg

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― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

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Re: Preliminary Critique

Post by erino »

Great image quality and both layouts of your design are great. I like the contrast of the 2 design and cool logo!

Erik Reyes

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Re: Preliminary Critique

Post by Unicorn_Service »

Why hello there John. That is a well-invested design. I do greatly favor the first one, on account of the transparent imagry on the background. I think the second design looks like a Myspace page from the 2000s.
