Latham's First Project

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Latham's First Project

Post by Tickosity »

My first inspirational site is This site has a lot of really visually stimulating things going on. I really like their animations for the menu selections and the full screen video playing in the background with the custom timeline on the side of the frame.

My second inspirational site is I really like the layout and the how the different sections are organized. I also like the way the menus are out of the way with the tabs on the sides of the screen.

For my two designs I went with a more kind of modern design and one that was more fun and less serious. The less serious one is very rough and I am visualizing it looking more like the artwork from Monty Python as far as the colors and graphics go.
Latham Furman

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Re: Latham's First Project

Post by itsdrrlcarden »

i enjoy your layouts and i like the unique shapes you used. One thing in your second designs (the blue one with the triangle shapes), the body copy is hard to read because of the shape its in. Otherwise, great color schemes.
-Darrell Carden GRC175

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Re: Latham's First Project

Post by John1612 »

I really enjoy the night theme you got going on. It reminds me of a action movie poster. Of the two nighttime themes I think the one on the bottom works the best.

Submitted by Charlie Johnson

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Re: Latham's First Project

Post by lewlewland »

I think that your second set of designs with the rainy night background is more successful. They are more appealing to me as well as being easier to read with the layout. I like the different shapes used in the layout also, they make it more interesting than if it were to simply have rectangles. The only thing that I didn't really like about these were the font used for your name and "menu" tab. I like that its a sketchy font but it bothers me that certain letters aren't all the way filled in but most are. It feels a little unbalanced to me.

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Re: Latham's First Project

Post by stars2night »

I really like the bottom set with the nighttime cityscape. Makes me feel kinda like its a syfy dystopian world almost. Very cyberpunk.

I think that the computer version has too much ipsom in the about me. Maybe cut it into multiple shapes, cut down on words, and increase the size of the words. I also think that the "Menu" button is a little small and easily overlooked. I am not aware of many websites that use the actual word "menu". In the mobile version, you may want to flip the menu to the left side, because when people have display issues, it usually cuts off the right side. Good job.
- Katrina Allen (Alera)


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Re: Latham's First Project

Post by Gr8K8 »

In your first design, I think the idea of the buttons coming out of your head is really fun and interesting.
I really like the shapes and lines in your second designs. In your mobile version, I think your TMCC logo is a bit visually heavy. Because it's so large and bright my eye goes right to it after your name. I think your ipsum section should have a larger font size and smaller logo. You might also consider making your textbox smaller/further away from the edge of the blue shape. I also prefer the mobile version of your "Menu" button. I think the strong contrast makes it visually striking and easy to find.
Kaitlin Wallberg

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Re: Latham's First Project

Post by Instructor »

Ooooh, I like the cityscape one. Especially when it starts getting all transparent. Vare Vaporwave. Very A E S T H E T I C.

I think my favorite bit is the diagonal content area. It doesn't just break the box model, it rips it to little shreds. And yet, I don't have any problem following your type and content. I think may favorite little bit is the faux stroke created by the gap around the main content box on the home page. I like your type choices. They have a grimy, urban aesthetic that goes well with your background painting. But I also have no trouble reading them. The blue color works well to subdue everything and enhance the city night design language you have going on here.

Make sure your mobile version is as transparent as your computer version. Most of your content is a little too close to the edge of its container, especially your bodycopy and the bottom of your TMCC logo. Make sure everything has a bit of room to breathe. You also want to add a bit more room between your paragraphs. I'm also not 100% clear on how you want your navigation to work.

Nice work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Latham's First Project

Post by JBobier »

I prefer the bottom two designs. I like the shapes you used. You have to figure out where to get the project 2 and project 3 on the page but other than that I think you are off to a good start with the bottom two. Good job!

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Re: Latham's First Project

Post by z1claudia »

Hi, I like both designs. The top 2 are fun and the bottom 2 are cool. Whichever you choose will be good. The only critique I can give is your length of text. Mainly in your mobile designs. They seem spread out too much and especially in the bottom design it gets hard to read with the size you chose. Other than that, great job.
Claudia Zamudio

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Re: Latham's First Project

Post by Unicorn_Service »

I actually prefer the first one. It is noble and not cliche. It has very bright appealing colors.

The latter design however exhibits much crowding and incongruity.
