project one final

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project one final

Post by Andramada »

i took the critics i received on my previous versions and i adjusted each version. i changed my fonts to Avenir Next to be more readable and compatible with my headers. i adjusted my font size and body copy organization to create more order in my layouts. i changed my banner to include a background of Skyrim instead of Reno because i have a huge obsession with Skyrim and i believe this will represent me a little better. i swapped out my initial logos for a Skyrim themed art work with once again represent myself a little better than the circle. i added a fade under the body copy in order to aide readability of the the body copy over the art work. this resolves the issue of the vibrant stand in circle making the body copy unreadable as well as the fact it was only a stand in image. i made my links text bigger in size so they would be more findable.
All in all, i changed the theme of my website to reflect my current major obsession that has been going on for about 4 years now.

this time i found new websites to inspire me and aide in my concept.

i choose because it is a huge resource with website coding which is practical for actually building a website. i choose ... portfolios because this website gives very clear and concise advise on how to build a graphic design website for a portfolio and i intend to use this website as a portfolio.
Andramada, j.stille

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Re: project one final

Post by John1612 »

I like the two bottom versions its simple to read really enjoy the the illustration and the shape it forms. I like the layout of them too makes every thing much more readable. Overall great job.

Charlie Johnson

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Re: project one final

Post by Gr8K8 »

Both of your designs turned out great! And I love your emblem! Very cool! The only thing I really have to say about your designs is that your emblem pops out more on the black background more than the white. The top of the emblem just kind of fades into the white background. Although I think I prefer the layout with your picture and the white background a little more. You might consider putting a slight drop shadow on your emblem on that version. Good job!
Kaitlin Wallberg

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Re: project one final

Post by lewlewland »

I'm not completely sure which set of designs are your finals but I think I like the black ones more. The illustration that you've added seems to fit into the black a little more nicely in my opinion. I also like the simplicity and legibility of all the designs, I think they are all successful.

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Re: project one final

Post by itsdrrlcarden »

I like your choice of colors because that blue contrasts well with that black, it really makes it stand out. Your font is very stylized and i enjoy it but it is not very legible. But it is an interesting design all together. Good job.
-Darrell Carden GRC175

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Re: project one final

Post by z1claudia »

Nice job. I like both designs. The color schemes you pick for both are great, elegant and professional. The only critique I can give is for both your web designs is to make the navigation buttons stand out a little more. Whether with size or boldness.
Claudia Zamudio

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Re: project one final

Post by stars2night »

I absolutely love the black version and I love how well the image goes with both the web and mobile version. I really like the font for the About Me. I am not totally fond of the star wars fade in and fade out at the top and bottom, but I'm glad I can read it beautifully other than the fades. On your web version, you should probably expand your links across the top and make them bigger. You have the space in the web version to do that. :) Great job!
- Katrina Allen (Alera)


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Re: project one final

Post by erino »

The 2 layouts are interesting but I tend to go towards the black background version because the Skyrim color combine with paragraph and your name work successful.
One suggestion is on the black mobile, try to separate the Skyrim with the type to look more like your web design. Other than that cool glow design!

Erik Reyes

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Re: project one final

Post by JBobier »

You know that you are very creative. I like your design. The added design feature works well. If I have on critique it may be a little too much body copy for someone like me. I don’t think I would take the time to read all of it on a homepage. I would click a link to read more for sure. You are good at what you do. Good job!

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Re: project one final

Post by Tickosity »

I really like the darker ones. In those I think the icon really pops out and is easily seen.
Latham Furman
