Project 01 final critique

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Project 01 final critique

Post by erino »

Hi there, I chose the 2 layout because the classmates like it more. I also made changes on the design, composition, and etc.
Let me know what you think of the changes.

Erik Reyes

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Re: Project 01 final critique

Post by itsdrrlcarden »

You overall design is clean and looks calming. I love how bright everything is, its very inviting. Only thing I would have changed is in your bio the way the font is placed is a bit hard to read, but other than that the design is really good!
-Darrell Carden GRC175

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Re: Project 01 final critique

Post by lewlewland »

These designs are more successful than your roughs for sure, I think that making things more symmetrical really helped and they feel more balanced than before. Only things I can think of changing is the text in your "about me", it's a little funky to read. The only other thing I can think of is maybe instead of using a hard white in the background, maybe using like an off-white to sort of calm it down a little bit more?

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Re: Project 01 final critique

Post by Gr8K8 »

Your final designs came out great! I love the colors you used and I also really like the circle shape you used for your about me section!
I think it would look cool if you tried to fill in the circle shape with the text rather than have it be square text box (
I also really like how you aligned the navigation buttons in your mobile version. However, in the web version I think the home button is a little lower than the rest of your navigation buttons.

Good job :)
Kaitlin Wallberg

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Re: Project 01 final critique

Post by John1612 »

I really like the overall design how it flows. I don't think you need to change anything. Good job. The picture makes me want to travel there.

Charlie Johnson
Last edited by John1612 on Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Project 01 final critique

Post by z1claudia »

Hi I like these designs way better. The only critique I would give to both the mobile and web is the circle with the paragraph and the top decorative brown line you have on top on of both designs. The circle in the web design looks kind of pixelated and the paragraph in the mobile versions looks like it could be fitted better in the circle. As for the brown line, I like it but I feel like you could play with it a bit more. Maybe add some effects to it like drop shadow or playing with the opacity. Despite my critique I really like these two designs. I feel like they definitely improved from your preliminary critique.
Claudia Zamudio

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Re: Project 01 final critique

Post by stars2night »

I love it!

I love how crisp the background image is. I also like how you have the brown line around the outside creating its own space for more information around the edges.

I like the brown circle in the mobile version, but it feels out of place on the web version. There aren't any other circles in the image to perhaps to tie it together. Maybe if you had like the opacity for it down to 10% on the web version on the circle, it would be enough to show the text, but it wouldn't be as eye jarring. You could also add some low opacity other circles here and there if you wanted to continue with that theme. I think your text for About Me is really hard to read with how you have it formatted with like some lines with only one word. I understand that a circle is a really hard element to align to in a legible fashion. Think about how you could introduce spoken or unspoken lines inside that circle to align to. You could also see about getting rid of the circle and maybe try a pentagon or hexagon or triangle or nothing at all and finding the right text effects to make the text stand out.

I also think the links section look odd and thrown on there. There isn't any header for that section. Overall, really good job. I really love the colors.
- Katrina Allen (Alera)


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Re: Project 01 final critique

Post by JBobier »

Good choice. I really like your design. Great job!

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Re: Project 01 final critique

Post by Tickosity »

The designs are very clean and easy to read and navigate. I think the colors all work together really well also.
Latham Furman

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Re: Project 01 final critique

Post by Instructor »

Now this is some nice modification to your preliminary version. You've kept your excellent color scheme and Tahoe imagery and relaid everything out to emphasize the strengths of your previous design. I like that you've doubled down on your strong Lake Tahoe images by making one of them the centerpiece. Putting your bodycopy in a small visually centered circle is good too. It doesn't obscure your image that much. A nice color choice as well. Gold, black, and white work well together and establish good contrast throughout. You use whitespace pretty well, especially at the top and along the edges. I like the use of the strokes at the top and bottom as framing devices.

I don't like how the framing stroke at the top changes thickness and distance from your social media links when it's a uniform thickness and distance from the rest of your content (your title, photo, etc.). I like the uniform thickness you have on your mobile version. Your bodycopy paragraph is oddly spaced in your circle with weird one or two-word lines after full-length lines. It also gets a little close to the edges of the circle on your mobile version. I also don't care for how tiny your background image gets on your mobile layout. I think it would have looked better if you had cropped the sides off your image and left it the same height.

Not bad!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

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