My final Designs

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My final Designs

Post by z1claudia »

Hey everyone here is my final. I tried to give my designs more space to flow easier. I even took out the photo of the girl to make the designs more simple. Let me know what you think of the improvements and if you think I should go back to my earlier designs.
Claudia Zamudio

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Re: My final Designs

Post by itsdrrlcarden »

This design looks so good! I am glad you took feedback from all of us and implied it into your design. The monochromatic design is so clean and the contrast on it is so strong and it really brings the viewer in. Well done!
-Darrell Carden GRC175

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Re: My final Designs

Post by John1612 »

I like your final design choices very much. I like how your images don't compete with each other. Every object on the page has its place in the design. My eye moves from your name to the glove to the body text to the computer. I like how your design choices move the eye throughout the design. You did a great job!!!

Charlie Johnson

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Re: My final Designs

Post by lewlewland »

I like the illustrations and I like the greyscale! I think that they match your design and purpose really well :)

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Re: My final Designs

Post by Gr8K8 »

Both your designs are fantastic. The contrast is striking and very very clean.
I only have some minor suggestions. In your mobile version, your body text has more space on the right than the left. You could possibly move it to the right slightly to make it more centered within that black box. I think it would also look nice if you did a centered justified text alignment like you did in your web version rather than the left alignment.
Awesome job.
Kaitlin Wallberg

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Re: My final Designs

Post by stars2night »

I really like the split of black and white diagonal on the web one. I also like how you added a very nice white outline around the about me black box so it really pops against both sections. I know that you thickened that border a lot from the previous version. You may want to think about maybe going down by about 10 px to make the border slightly slimmer. Not much, but just a little. I also agree with a previous commenter that I would suggest nudging the about me box over to be more centered. It feels like in your web version that you are a little intimidated by layering the about me box on the computer screen.

I also feel like maybe the computer screen image is a little overwhelming and big in the web version. Maybe size it down a little bit, and that will make more room to scoot the about me text and background boxes over.

I also found that on the web version I had a little bit of trouble locating the Project Links. I found them eventually, but I thought maybe a cool idea might be to act like they were text typed on the computer screen, with maybe like a curser after "Project 3" like you had just finished typing it. You would have to get the text to tilt to match the computer screen to pull off the effect though.

I also feel like the top bar being white is a little weird compared to the rest of the composition. Maybe you could do the same effect you did for the about me box, with a thick white border and black box with white text. It reminded me a little bit of Windows 2000 computer menus. I really like the direction you are going! I continue to enjoy the black and white theme of it and I love your name font and effects.
- Katrina Allen (Alera)


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Re: My final Designs

Post by erino »

I like your final design I find it very interesting the combination of black and white shape, images and composition. Overall great website!
Erik Reyes

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Re: My final Designs

Post by JBobier »

I think that you made a nice change. Without the picture of the girl it cleans up the design. The more I look at your design the more I like the simplicity of the black and white design. Good job!

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Re: My final Designs

Post by Tickosity »

I really do like your designs. The monochromatic design works very well and there's plenty of contrast and everything is easily seen.
Latham Furman

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Re: My final Designs

Post by Instructor »

Hm. You simplified it. An interesting choice. Not one I agree with, but interesting nonetheless.

I like your comic book style. It's very strong and unique and I love the way you use contrast and motion in your designs. The diagonal layout and hard geometric shapes really move the eye around the composition and add quite a lot of visual interest. Both your computer and mobile designs feel like they are moving across my screen. So dynamic! I like your type choices, especially your title type. It keeps with the underground comic aesthetic you're trying to achieve here. It feels very Sin City to me.

I can't say I agree with your choice to simplify your design. I liked the extra texture the image of the MMA fighter and the code screenshot provided. I didn't that they interfered with your contrast and I thought they added a bit of visual interest. I miss them here. Also, it looks like your navigation buttons are different sizes and widths. In the future, size your buttons around the longest/largest word and work down from there. Having them be several sizes looks odd.

Nice work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

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