
Post links to your Project One websites for discussion and feedback.
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Post by John1612 »

After all of the feedback I have gotten, I decided to go with my design-1-computer-1 and design-1c-mobile. These two designs feel like they accomplish the problem perfectly with a simple gradient and simple buttons. The changes I've made for design-1c-mobile was add the same gradient background to the border edge to make it have a little relation to design-1comuter-1. I also brought my two logos to the top right because I really enjoy how they look along with my name in the upper left. scaling them up so that it has some sense of symmetry to it. As for my design-1computer-1 it was simply just moving and rearranging everything to fit in the white space. I made the logo smaller to fit it up in the corner so there would be enough room for everything. It gave it better flow. I gave the about me part a title on both layouts. Thank you all for the wonderful feedback on my prelim, it really helped me create these two designs.

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Re: project-1-final

Post by lewlewland »

I think that these designs look a lot cleaner than your roughs! They feel much more natural and easier to navigate. The only suggestion I could think of is to maybe justify your text so that both margins are flush but thats up to you!

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Re: project-1-final

Post by Gr8K8 »

I like the changes you made to your final design! It looks a lot more clean and unified. It's very easy to read and to navigate.

My only critique is that I personally prefer the project buttons in your web layout. Also on your mobile layout the left project button is just slightly out of alignment.
Kaitlin Wallberg

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Re: project-1-final

Post by z1claudia »

Nice job Charlie on the designs. The only thing I would suggest is making the body of the paragraph smaller and closer together in both designs. Instead of spreading it out in the mobile design and lengthening it in the web design. Other than that good job on a nice clean design.
Claudia Zamudio

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Re: project-1-final

Post by itsdrrlcarden »

These designs are much more cleaner than your roughs. Only thing is your body text placement on your computer final feels out of place almost, maybe connect it more with other elements of the design. Good job!
-Darrell Carden GRC175

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Re: project-1-final

Post by stars2night »

I really like the background blue gradient. I like your logo. In the mobile version, I think it might look better to move the logo over to the left a bit and move the smiling face down to be on the same row as it and aligned with it. Then, across the top, you could do your name in bigger and bolder font. I highly suggest go have fun on dafont or 1001fonts and go choose a fun font for your name that you think more represents you.

On the mobile version, I think it might be cool to try a blur effect on the edges of your white box so it kinda blends into the blue and it isn't so sharp lined.

It looks like the About Me section is a light version of the whatever font you used. I think it makes a little harder to read. You may want to try a regular version of that font to make it a little bolder.

I see in your web version, you do some circles on the 4 corners. An idea I had was to enlarge the white background and make it more straight and kinda make it look like a note card perhaps. Then you could change those circles into like tacks so that it looks like you are tacking a notecard with your information onto a blue board. I've attached a picture to show what I mean by making it look like tacks are holding the white section onto the blue "board"/background.

Good job so far.
- Katrina Allen (Alera)


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Re: project-1-final

Post by erino »

I like the page them and use of color. Only suggestion on your mobile pro2 and 3 somehow do it like your web, other than that great job!
Erik Reyes

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Re: project-1-final

Post by JBobier »


I like the changes you made. I think it is a cleaner and simpler design. Getting rid of some of the gradient was a good idea.

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Re: project-1-final

Post by Instructor »

You know, Charlie, now that I see your mobile version of your design I see another thing that it looks like; a diploma! I don't know whether it's the typeface choice or the fact that your smiley face looks like a seal. I still like the way it looks on your purple gradient background. Such a good framing device. You've got a great content area and your layout is easy to read and pull info from. Your logo integrates with the design very well. Good continuity of branding. The smiley face makes for a good accent too.

I don't know that you needed two separate button designs for your computer and mobile layout. Just making fatter and thinner versions of the same design would have served you equally as well. The margins between your class info and your navigation on your phone layout are a little tight. I think you would have been better served converting your class info to serif type the way you did with the rest of your type. As it is, it clashes a bit.

Not bad!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

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