project one final

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Re: project one final

Post by Instructor »

Good use of contrast in your design. It was not my first choice, but I think you've made it work well. I especially like the use of a gradient masking your scrolling content in the middle. That adds a ton of visual interest and makes me want to scroll the website up and down a bit just to see it in action. I like your type choices, especially in your navigation and title. The script type in your name is particularly strong. Your limited color palette serves you well. It makes anything that's color stand out and attract the eye. Your image and name immediately become dominant objects. Good use of margin on your footer.

Your margins are a little crunched in spots though, especially where your content runs up to your navigation on your computer layout and where "Graphic Designer" gets clipped by the white line in your mobile layout. Your nav buttons also feel small and subordinate to your content. I think you would have been better served moving your buttons above the white line and doubling their size. I also don't care for the way your bodycopy text clips your image on your mobile version.

Nice work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: project one final

Post by Unicorn_Service »

I agree with the consensus that the first one is better. It is a great symbpic design in the center. The latter, well, exhbits some tackiness.
