Project 02 Prem Critique!

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Project 02 Prem Critique!

Post by erino »

Hi there classmates, the bad web I chose to redesign is
Hahah what a website, I know right! The majority of my design was to add the major detail of what a restaurant need to attract it target audience. And I did it with all my 4 roughs, and chose the color white, variety blues to express the country colors. I also did one Menu page that I would link home page so that audience can see!

There is not a lot of local Salvadoran restuarant, but I chose these local restaurants where they compete and got inspire!

-01 design: I added different shapes with light brown color and the image being the hierarchy.
-02 design: I created multiple horizontal lines with a combination of main dish plate!
-03 design: I created the main dish ingredients as background image and included shapes with txt!
-04 design: I use the image of the main dish which is called Popusas round shape to express the hierarchy, than follow up with txt, shapes.
Erik Reyes

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Re: Project 02 Prem Critique!

Post by itsdrrlcarden »

i like the one with food image as the background. I feel like makes it more personal to the restaurant.. Your designs are much more exciting than the original design. I like your color choices, but i feel like fonts and sizes of things could use some work. Great start!
-Darrell Carden GRC175

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Re: Project 02 Prem Critique!

Post by lewlewland »

I really like the font choice, I think it is easy to read while also staying playful and expressing a more casual environment. The layout for all of these is pretty spot on. I like how they all seem to stay consistent in color with the pictures. One thing that comes to mind is maybe try to fit the name of the restaurant in an oval rather than a circle? It might fit a little better but maybe there's another reason its in a circle that I don't know lol


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Re: Project 02 Prem Critique!

Post by Andramada »

Both designs use some very storing visual components. The font gives off a friendly inviting feel which is definitely something a restaurant would want for it will help attract customers. I prefer the 1st design with the beige color pallet added to the blue for it is not as overwhelming as the abundance of blue in the other designs. The pictures give a very clean feel to the over all layouts in both designs.
Andramada, j.stille

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Re: Project 02 Prem Critique!

Post by Instructor »

Interesting. I was looking for two designs on the project, not four, but, hey, the more the merrier!

I like your very first design. The dominant blue in the others is not really working as a restaurant color. I do appreciate the effort to march directly away from the guacamole theme of the original website though.

Your first design uses the blue as an accent color and has a brown as it's main color that reminds me of tortillas and bean dip. It really works with the blue. Nice use of semi-transparency. It allows the food imagery to do the talking. Great selection of that image, BTW. It gives you so much contrast to work with and you use it well. I don't usually like marker felt as a font, but here it works. It almost looks like a hand-scribbled order. Despite the non-standard font, I have no trouble reading or getting any info from your website. Your navivagtion is easy to see and use. I like the separator bar from behind your logo.

Your food navigation on your computer layout has different sized type on it. I'd pick your largest/longest word(s) and size all of your food nav type off of it/them. Those tortillas in the image are light enough, you can probably run the bodycopy all the way across it on your mobile layout.

Good job!
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Re: Project 02 Prem Critique!

Post by stars2night »

I really like the change away from the seasick green. I like the blue designs a little bit more, but I think that you should switch the blue color for most elements to an orange, because orange increases appetites. I think I like pro 02 web critique 04 the best. I like the element of the circle and the line between the title bar and the circle, but I don't think the circle works well with the name. I think that it might be better to put more of a "Welcome to El Pulgarcito. We serve the best Salvadoran food in the city and offer a number of menu items. Come in an see us!" blah blah blah instead of putting the Specialty Popusas on the Home Page (unless you want to make that small). I think maybe you could do a special little box on the Menu page for that. I also am not fond of the font for the menu descriptions. I feel like its a little hard to read. I like the image you have.

The menu section, I think that you should say the top section is talking about Popusas. I also think you shouldn't be afraid to make it so that you have to scroll down to see more of the menu. I like in the original website that they have pictures of the different menu items, though they are a little too big. Sometimes I see websites have sections, like menu tabs along the top that you can click on to see different portions of the menu without ever having to leave the page. I was trying to find an example of it, but I didn't find a very good one. This is the technology I was talking about and some examples of how it could be done. (with hopefully a little more style). Just some ideas. I really think you are heading in a great direction.
- Katrina Allen (Alera)


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Re: Project 02 Prem Critique!

Post by John1612 »

Hi classmate this is Charlie Johnson:

I really prefer the blue design the one that has the food in the background. It reads well and it's not that overpowering. On your brown design it feels like everything is clashing. The brown doesn't work well with the design

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Re: Project 02 Prem Critique!

Post by z1claudia »

Nice job on the improvement of the website. I also like the first 4 designs. The only critique I can give is to add another typeface to your design, maybe a more blocky or decorative one, just to give variety in your layout.
Claudia Zamudio

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Re: Project 02 Prem Critique!

Post by Gr8K8 »

I like versions 3 and 4 the best.
For design 3, I like that you popped some reds in there. I think it helps tie in the food on the left, as they are similar colors. I also think the frame you've put around your nav buttons looks great.
However, I like how in your other designs you've highlighted the restaurants specialty dish.

In design 4, I love your little menu section. This one is what I'd most likely be looking for if I wanted to look them up quickly.
I don't love the / between your "Welcome/Enjoy/Eat!". I think you could try and dash or bullet points instead?
In the mobile version, personally, I think the whole "Specialty Popusas" section could be shifted to the left to be aligned/centered with the menu section. The way it is now feels a little offset to me.
Looking forward to seeing the final results.
Kaitlin Wallberg

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Re: Project 02 Prem Critique!

Post by Unicorn_Service »

The original bad website looks like the old Free Rice site. I'm going to break the circle jerk and say that the light background of the food with round button on top looks the best. It is a good use of transparency.
