Project 2 roughs

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Project 2 roughs

Post by stars2night »

I did my re-design on When I talked to them about what colors they desired, they came back with blue. They liked lighter creams and whites as well. Due to this being an Imperial site, I brought some more golds/bronzes to one of the designs. They aren't really sure the direction they want to go in. They just want "it updated" and "make it better".

I am actually a part of this group. I wanted to show some of what we do. I also wanted to aim for allowing resources to current members and an attraction for anyone new that might want to join. A lot of the resources for each charter group is scattered (most use Facebook groups to interact), records are scattered, and a lot of items are outdated. I would like to add a way to make it easier to submit paperwork and eventually, connect it to a database and show current records. I also wanted to bring a way to eliminate redundant pages that no one ever looks at and a way to show what events are going on in each territory.

I would be interested in looking into maybe a google calendar that I could add to the website homepage as like a widget where multiple territories could add their events through a google secured method. I'm leaning towards, if I went with the calendar layout homepage, maybe recoloring each button for each territory a different color so events and announcements could be color coded. However, I was afraid that I might overwhelm the viewer with color if I did that.

Some rival groups are and and The SCA is the closest rival group. I think one of the problems I have with this website design is that there is so much I want to say and include, I am afraid to add a number of links, because I don't want to overwhelm the viewer. I've done 3 site maps now and I feel like I might need to do another 5 more to keep refining it.
rough 2 mobile about
rough 2 mobile about
rough 2 mobile home
rough 2 mobile home
rough 2 computer about
rough 2 computer about
rough 2 computer home
rough 2 computer home
rough 1 mobile about
rough 1 mobile about
rough 1 mobile home
rough 1 mobile home
rough 1 computer about
rough 1 computer about
rough 1 computer home
rough 1 computer home
- Katrina Allen (Alera)


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Re: Project 2 roughs

Post by erino »

They are cool designs and the one that would work best is the one with huge images being the hierarchy.
It gives you that welcome vibe to join or go back into midieval times, and the font really expresses the website so great job!
Erik Reyes

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Re: Project 2 roughs

Post by itsdrrlcarden »

i like the overall design layout. I understand they wanted blue and grey with a bit of bronze, but for some reason it feels flat. I wish something would just POP and really make someone want to look at this website and maybe join the group. Maybe add another color element, or a larger title. Great start though! It is much more exciting than the original site.
-Darrell Carden GRC175

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Re: Project 2 roughs

Post by John1612 »

Hi classmate this is charlie Johnson:


I like how these two play off each other one shows us what it is about, and the other gives us information on how to get involved.


I like how these two play off each other one shows us what it is about, and the other gives us information on how to get involved. The only thing that needs fixing is the placement of the type. Like the words chivalry and steef could be moved over a bit in the project2_rough2_mobile_about to center it out a little.

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Re: Project 2 roughs

Post by lewlewland »

I like these designs a lot, I think the font, colors, and layout fit the cause appropriately. I think that photo you have in the computer rough two is the best out of all of them. I think it would be cool to incorporate this into your mobile designs too. It might help the design feel a little less serious. The last thing I might think about changing is the size of the buttons with the cities in them. They feel a little big and the text inside feels a little big on the mobile designs.


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Re: Project 2 roughs

Post by Andramada »

I prefer the website with the picture as a back ground it makes the whole site seem more interesting while highlighting what the site is all about. Your choice of nots pair pretty well together but I think your body copy would benefit from a more readable sans serif the the serif font.
Andramada, j.stille

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Re: Project 2 roughs

Post by Gr8K8 »

Super cool!! I really like how you've incorporated the photos into the designs. I think they add a lot of interest and personality. One thing that bothers me, and it's mostly nit-picky, is that for project2_rough1_computer_home_kla.png I wish the people in armor were more centered. I prefer the picture you used in project2_rough1_mobile_home_kla.png because it feels more balanced.
Also, I like the dark blue color you used for the title in your first set of roughs. However, I prefer the white text used for your navigation buttons better from your second version. I find the white on blue just draw my eye easier, probably due to the contrast.
Overall I found all versions to be an improvement upon the original site. They're all very easy to read/navigate. Excited to see the final versions.
Kaitlin Wallberg

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Re: Project 2 roughs

Post by z1claudia »

Hi, I like the structure you have for your designs. You know really well how to make designs clear and easy for anyone to read. I would like you to play around with your images more. Whether it's playing around with size, color, cropping or just it's placement in your design. I think's the only recommendation I can give you to try out in your designs.
Claudia Zamudio

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Re: Project 2 roughs

Post by Instructor »

Alrighty then, time to be the wishy-washy client. I've been waiting for one of these!

Here we go ...

I like elements of both! Ah. That feels good.

Actually, I mostly like your "rough2", but I really dig all the photos on your "rough1". They're so wonderfully illustrative of what your organization is all about. More pictures means less words. If you can show people what goes on, it's always better than telling them. Otherwise, I prefer your "rough2". The best design is to take the photos and bring them into your "rough2". It's got better contrast and margins (particularly at the bottom of the main nav). I also like the single line nav bar as well. Good type choices for both your navigation and titles and your bodycopy. The colors are not bad either, particularly if they get punched up by the presence of some photos.

Watch the widths on your chapter buttons. Some of them are a little tight. Size the buttons to the longest word(s) and then work down from there. Single line buttons are also preferred.

Nice work!
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Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 2 roughs

Post by Unicorn_Service »

Little to hate about this is a great new-age design for a 17th century movement. Let alone an improvement up their first website. The color is very harmonious with the blue and silver. One comment that entertains some thought is that this design still looks kind of 2000s. Well, form the picture anyway. I does not yet afford the interactivity, but that's just a glance.
