Project 02

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Project 02

Post by erino »

Ight here is my project two. The classmates like variety of the pieces of the critique layouts so I choice to do variety of layouts combined.
I'm still going to be adding variety of things since we designers have a tendency to change things lol.
Let me know what you think!!

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Re: Project 02

Post by stars2night »

I really really like it. You chose a great picture for the background. I want to eat my screen, it looks so good. For the 4 sections of the menu, I think the menu items are a little small and the more cursive font makes it hard to read. I really like the font for each of the menu titles. You may also want to change the navigation link you are currently on to a different font color to indicate what page you are on, but that's a little thing. Great job!
- Katrina Allen (Alera)


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Re: Project 02

Post by Gr8K8 »

Nice job!
Both your sites have very clear navigation and look really clean.
For your Project 01 site, I really like the picture you used. I think it could be even better if you moved the body text up a tad, and over to the left to fill the negative space in the sky. This would allow the text to stand out on its own and give the mountains some breathing room. I think it would also look nice if you considered changing your name and all the buttons to a color that's just a shade darker than the top boarder.

For your Project 2 site, looking at your home page makes me hungry. Overall, I think the whole site works really well. The only thing I would change is to maybe stretch out your menu a bit so it fills the white space a little more. And to also make the Menu and Welcome, Eat, Enjoy section larger and perhaps with a more eye catching font.
Kaitlin Wallberg

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Re: Project 02

Post by Tickosity »

I like having a large picture of good food right up front and this does not disappoint. My one criticism would be that for the menu you might want to have the type a bit bigger so that it is easier to read.
Latham Furman

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Re: Project 02

Post by z1claudia »

Great job on the website! Both designs really improved. The only critique I can give you is choosing a sans serif font instead and making all your text bigger.
Claudia Zamudio

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Re: Project 02

Post by John1612 »

Really like the layouts of your designs. The only thing that needs work is the type is a little hard to read. it makes people have to look extremely close to the screen.

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Re: Project 02

Post by Instructor »

Looking good there, Erik. I like what I see.

The thing that jumps out at me immediately is the perfectly chosen background image. It immediately smacks you in the face on the home page and starts those tastebuds watering. Your type choice is basic, but I think it works fine for the website. Your color choice is inspired. You've used the same green and blue from the flag of El Salvador. That does a great job of setting the tone and adding a little something extra to your design. I like the idea of having the pages be a pop in content area in the middle of such a large image. It makes your content easy to see and read without sacrificing the image. Your navigation is easy to see and use, too.

I don't think the content area needed to be THAT small, though. I think you would have been better served by going with a percentage width for your content area and letting the browser size the content box. Also, I think they would have looked better slightly transparent to see the image underneath. The leading on your type on the Menu page seems a little tight, but the rest of your leading on your other pages is fine. I would have also liked to have seen a few more images besides the excellent background image.

Nice job!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

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