P2 Final

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P2 Final

Post by lewlewland »

Oops, I posted my website Friday afternoon but I'm not too sure if I was supposed to post here or not but I just noticed today that two others have so I will post mine as well. This was a frustrating process for sure, but I noticed that once I got frustrated or too stuck if I stepped away for an amount of time I would usually be able to come back to it with fresh thoughts and figure it out. Overall, I'm pretty happy with how came out. It could certainly be more detailed however I didn't think it would be quite necessary considering I'm unsure whether or not this will be used or not. I might very well go back to it at some point in time and add things to it like making it responsive, changing the background images in each tab, adding icon links instead of the words and smaller things like that. Let me know what you guys think, thanks! :)

http://www.grc175.com/student/spring-20 ... -falconer/


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Re: P2 Final

Post by erino »

Very nice layout especially how the images work great with the font, gives it that bar theme.

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Re: P2 Final

Post by stars2night »

I love the bar background and how crisp the image is. I also love the white bar that you use for the menus at the top or bottom depending on the page. I think the white really gives it a clean look. Some thoughts I had looking at your design. On the home page, the menu is at the bottom. When I click to one of the inner pages, the menu moves to the top. It is a little disorienting. I think it would be nice if you continued the navigation bar at the bottom for all the pages to give it uniformity. I find the spacing between your navigation Happenings and Contact a little too close so that it almost looks like they are together and not two separate links. I also think that for the menu page, it is a little hard to see that small font. I would love to see that enlarged.

For the drinks, I found it a little hard to read and I saw that you had the black background boxes to help which helped a little bit. I had an idea based on what I saw on your menu page. What if, on the inner pages, you used kinda like a news website format where you take that clean white navigation bar and expand it up through the rest of the page (you would probably want like a nice partial border "line" in between, maybe something curly and florishy and irishy in between the main part of the page and the navigation bar), leaving the sides still showing the bottles about, I dunno, 200px on each side. I included a picture of what I meant.

Overall, I really love the feel of the website, the colors, the fonts for navigation and title. I think you did a great job.

Oh! Side note, but I was doing some research about coolest JQuery things that have been created that are free to use and I did find something for menus. I'm not sure you would want to use it since I like how clean your website is, but I thought I might bring it up as an option :) It is called "Blueprint: Slide and Push Menus" and I found it 1/4th of the way down on this list https://colorlib.com/wp/jquery-plugins-effects/
- Katrina Allen (Alera)


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Re: P2 Final

Post by Gr8K8 »

Great job!
Your project 1 site turned out really well! It's still super clean/nice to look at. I do think you mixed up your links on the project 01 and project 02 buttons though.
For your project 2 site, it looks really great! I love the fonts you used. It's a significant improvement from the original website for sure.
One thing I did notice was that on the menu page, I had to zoom in to be able to read it.
Kaitlin Wallberg

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Re: P2 Final

Post by Tickosity »

I do like your site and I think simple works well for sites like this. I do however think that the menu could have been bigger since my old eyes have a tough time really reading it easily. I also got distracted with the title bar switching from the bottom of the home page to the top of the other pages. Otherwise I think it is a good site.
Latham Furman

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Re: P2 Final

Post by z1claudia »

Hi, it's really cool seeing your project 1 as an actual website. Also great improvement of the pub's original website. The two critiques I have are first I wish the navigation bar wasn't on the bottom of the home page. It's a little confusing seeing it down there than jump to the top and stay there the remaining of the website. Other than that, I wish the font was bigger in both sites. Great job overall.
Claudia Zamudio

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Re: P2 Final

Post by John1612 »

I really like the whole concept and execution of your designs. the bottles in the background really complements the type on every page. Everything you did is very pleasing

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Re: P2 Final

Post by Unicorn_Service »

Your homepage looks much more modern than many of the other designs exhibited here; it doesn't have the 2000's look like most do.

The social site links only go to their main pages rather than a personal account of yours. Is this part of the design?

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Re: P2 Final

Post by Instructor »

Interesting choice with the footer based navigation here, Lewis. I like it. It's VERY definitely a non-standard location, but here it works for you.

The strongest thing to me is what great contrast this design has. The dark and intricate background image set off by a bright white footer (header on your inner pages). It's a great look and does well to show off the bar. Nice job injecting fonts in with media queries as well. Your font choices are just about perfect given the subject matter. I like the subtle transparent black content boxes too. They're unobtrusive and let your text be more easily read against that detailed background image. Despite it's unorthodox placement, your navigation is easy to see and use.

I don't know that your menu needed to be that tiny. That's a bit of a difficult read on smaller monitors. Also, your navigation is unevenly spaced; some buttons are closer to each other than others. Make sure on future websites that your buttons have an equal amount of spacing.

Nicely done!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor
mganschow@tmcc.edu | 673-8200 ext.5-2173
