Project 2 final

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Project 2 final

Post by stars2night »

Project 2 final... well, its done... for now. I tried a variety of new things, some of which worked and some of which didn't. I would say that my biggest failure is on the Events page. I wanted to be able to hit a button and it would hide/show the corresponding calendar. It apparently required javascript to work which, in the end, no matter how I tried, I couldn't get to work. So, for now, the Events page is linked to 6 different Google calendars. I had also hoped that I could color code events on the Google calendars and just color code a legend for it. However, Google was being difficult and while it showed on the calendar, it refused to show on the website with the right colors.

The pages I coded:
Project 1 home page
Project 2:
Home page
About page
About -> Weapon Forms page
Rules and Manuals page
Events page ... ina-allen/
- Katrina Allen (Alera)


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Re: Project 2 final

Post by Unicorn_Service »

The site is very complete. Every menu item has a page that goes with it. It manages to pull off the Serif font appropriately in the theme of the website. However, there seems to be a "letterbox" feel with the website, giving the feeling that it's a headsup display in a 90's video game.

This also entertains the question why the Copyright uses the @ symbol instead of the © symbol.

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Re: Project 2 final

Post by lewlewland »

Your site is very well done, I'm impressed with how much you managed to squeeze in there. It is very thorough and informative, I think that your group will be stoked!


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Re: Project 2 final

Post by erino »

Great layout how the buttons work great with color and how they have that transparent look so you will be able to see the main image.

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Re: Project 2 final

Post by Gr8K8 »

Your project 1 site came out really close to how you originally envisioned it, nice! I really like the way it looks when I scroll over the links and they change color.
If possible I would consider bringing your "Project 1 Katrina Allen" portion down a little, as it sits verrrry high up on the page as is. Other than that, it looks great.\
Your project 2 site came really well also! I love the blue/yellow contrast you've got going on. And you've got a lot of really useful information up and it works really well. The only big thing I noticed was that on the Rules and Manuals page, when I have all the Forum sections on the site opened up, I cannot read all of the bottom text. Not a huge issue, since if one of the boxes is collapsed the issue is solved, but just something I noticed.
Overall, really nice job.
Kaitlin Wallberg

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Re: Project 2 final

Post by Tickosity »

I like the layout of the site and the nice photo for the main focus, was that from Valhalla in Tahoe? My biggest problem is that the navigation on the bottom is getting lost and I almost didn't see it. The google calendar is a good addition if you can get it to work right for you.
Latham Furman

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Re: Project 2 final

Post by z1claudia »

Awesome! Great job on your website. I especially like your project 2 website. You can tell that a lot of work went into it. I kind of don't want to give you a critique because I know it's still a work in progress. I know you plan on using this site so I just want to say as your skills grow in web design and coding continue improving on it.
Claudia Zamudio

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Re: Project 2 final

Post by John1612 »

The only problem I have found, is that when clicking on some items, in the menu, some of the pages won't load. Other then that I like how the website flows. I like how everything is well thought out.

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Re: Project 2 final

Post by Instructor »

Oooooh! GREAT use of transparency, Katrina. It really adds depth to everything. I also like how you've gone and researched techniques that I haven't gone over in class and used them. Nice accordions!

Where that transparency really works well is in how it interacts with your background imagery. It lets the image show through and almost act like a texture in large swaths of your website. And where you use an actual texture, it's a pleasing parchment that adds visual interest to your design. I like your type as well. Good use of an @font-face font injection. The footer tab navigation is fun too. Your bodycopy is easy to read and nicely spaced. Your imagery choices are spot on. The primary background image establishes what this website is all about without needing word one. The event pics show what's going on and really reinforce your theme. Your navigation is well placed and easy to see and use.

The big thing I think it really needs is a little leading/margin, especially in the header/navigation. Everything up there is just too vertically crammed in and crowded. The buttons and logo are practically bumping into each other.

Nice job!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

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