Project 3 Prelim j.stille

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Project 3 Prelim j.stille

Post by Andramada »

I choose to use Arial as my font because it is clean and simple. the simplicity and clean font will not over power my design nor the designs of the student work for show casing the work is the most important.
i choose colors i thought they completment the tmcc colors.
the live website would have the images either zooming from the right and left. videos from the motion graphic department would be embeded in the site that can be clicked on to play. websites from the WEb design track will also be embeded with the ability to click through with out leaving the tmcc graphic design website. the sites, and videos adn images will pop into a light box that will make them easier to veiw at ful size.
i found inspiration from some cliche websites such as pentrest and instagram and facebook but portfolio websites had the feel and design i was looking for.
The competition consists of other Graphic design programs in the west coast including the Academy of Arts san francisco and SCAD university for creative careers. these ... -programs/
Andramada, j.stille

The world has many opportunities but we are too blinded by the tragedy and losses dealt to us. So we blame fate for our misery, we blame others. We even blame God. And we fail to actually gain the will to change our circumstances.

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Re: Project 3 Prelim j.stille

Post by lewlewland »

I like the second design with black and green more here because I think it reads easier and doesn't feel as crammed as the other design does. I think that dark background also helps not draw too much attention from the information.


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Re: Project 3 Prelim j.stille

Post by erino »

I like the top banner design with the city building but the Tmcc within is hard to read maybe somehow you can try a size or combine TMCC as part of the buildings. I like the bottom design because it makes the text and images pop out more so great job!

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Re: Project 3 Prelim j.stille

Post by John1612 »

I like the ones with the black backgroud looks well orginized and it is easy too read. The only thing I see is that a few imagges that repeat.

Submitted by Charlie Johnson.

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Re: Project 3 Prelim j.stille

Post by stars2night »

I definitely like the black and green design the best. It is a lot less cluttered and it would go with the current TMCC website better. I find the navigation links a little too dark being black though. They don't really show up very well. It bothers me that at least some part of the bottom footer bar does not touch the bottom of the screen. I really like the white Arial text. It really shows up well. I like the concept of the green tmcc mountain on the footer bar, but find it too large in the roughs. You might want to size it down. Great job so far.
- Katrina Allen (Alera)


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Re: Project 3 Prelim j.stille

Post by Instructor »

Oh my. You have some interesting ideas going on here, Stille.

I like your "design2" best. It comes down to the contrast and the layout. I think it presents it's information a little better than your other one. I also like the little mini-world image, too. I like the punched out logo and navigation in your header. The navigation is easy to see and use and provides a nice but of visual interest. Your type is a basic sans-serif that I think works pretty well for your design. I also really like the extra leading in your bodycopy. Everyone else seems to be cramming their bodycopy in and yours just takes it's time, especially on your mobile design. It's very refreshing. Good use of imagery and good image placement. You do a good job of supplementing your content with images.

That footer though ...

I can't decide if its one of the best web design elements I've ever seen or one of the worst web design elements I've ever seen. I both want to show it to everyone at my studio and want to delete the entire internet. I need to see it in action on your website before I can properly solidify an opinion. Build it so I can resolve my love/hate conundrum.

Make sure your image captions are the same distance to your images in your student work. I don't think your mobile design needs the two greens. Your computer design seems to be getting along well enough without them. Remember to vertically center your nav on your mobile version.

Nicely done!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 3 Prelim j.stille

Post by z1claudia »

Hi, I'm a bigger fan of the black and green designs. The only two recommendations I can give you to try are, adding some texture or spacing out the content to have more empty space. Your design looks like they would do well spread out in the black background instead of being too big and close to each other. You did really good on keeping it organized and easy to follow.
Claudia Zamudio

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Re: Project 3 Prelim j.stille

Post by Unicorn_Service »

I think I agree with the consensus that the latter design is better. I think the colors are too saturated and strong. I offer the suggestion to use saturation in moderation.

The header does seem too crowded. It does avail much difficulty to read it. Reminds me of an MMO advergame from the 2000s.

The pictures seem scattered around.
