Project 3 prelim roughs

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Project 3 prelim roughs

Post by stars2night »

I like the red one better personally, but I like the simplicity of the black and green one. I'm not entirely sold on either option on trying to get the text to show up well enough to read. In the red one, I did a triadic color harmony.
- Katrina Allen (Alera)


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Re: Project 3 prelim roughs

Post by lewlewland »

I think I like the red one more too, but I don't think that the purple font quite goes with it. I would maybe try a yellow or a black? Not too sure but your background image is very cool


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Re: Project 3 prelim roughs

Post by erino »

Great concept of the door image and the layouts of the bottom layout is interesting because of the text and shapes being tilt so great design!

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Re: Project 3 prelim roughs

Post by Andramada »

both designs are visually simulating and guide the eye down the page.
the first design my eyes are immediately attracted to the open doors because it contrast so well with everything else on top of it being to the upper right which naturally is where a person wants to look. however this detracts from the rest of the layout as it distracts from the actual content. the type in the navigation and body copy needs more contrast in both due to the fact it is difficult to read and distinguish form the drop shadow and back ground. over all , it is still the most visually pleasing of the two.
the second set of designs are very visually stimulating but there is so much going on between the image, the colors, and the font choice that i find my self a little overwhelmed.
Andramada, j.stille

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Re: Project 3 prelim roughs

Post by John1612 »

I like the door concept one. It feels like a decision is about to be made, and I also like how it is kind of on a billboard. Feels like if someone is driving on the road it would be easy to read and understand. The only thing is the room feels a little too dark.

submitted by Charlie Johnson

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Re: Project 3 prelim roughs

Post by Instructor »

You've got some good ideas with these, Katrina. As much as I like the diagonal ideas you're playing with in "computer1" and "mobile1", I think your "computer2" and "mobile2" work better. I think it's the contrast.

I like the billboard idea, it's something you could play with for each page's content. The imagery and tagline works nicely and the overall composition has a kind of suspenseful vibe. "What kind of new things am I going to discover in here?" Nice blending of the navigation into your design, it works pretty seamlessly. I like your type choice, too. It's a nice split between a faux typewriter font and a thick serif font and it has just a tiny amount of fun in it. As I mentioned previously the contrast on this design is very strong. It even works well with the TMCC green, which is not easy. Your diagonal page title adds a nice little bit of visual interest too.

The only downside to your seamless navigation is that it took me a moment to find it. Heh. I'm still losing the type in the reflections in a coupe of spots. Maybe instead of a green outer glow, try a black outer glow, it'll be invisible on the black and pop your type on the lighter colors. I'm not sure if it would look better with your bodycopy justified or not. Try both and see which works better.

Nice work!
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Re: Project 3 prelim roughs

Post by z1claudia »

Hi, very different styles you got. The door concept is cool but I get a creepy feeling from it. I prefer the desert design. I would just like to see you add one or two more images/decoration to it.
Claudia Zamudio

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Re: Project 3 prelim roughs

Post by Unicorn_Service »

That's an interesting design. I am a little wishy-washy about the rotated text. I offer the suggestion to have the text skewed in perspective with the floor on the background.

I am also internally conflicted about the dark, ominous, 2spooky background of a scary room being used to redeem the graphic design course. This doesn't advertise the redeeming qualities of the course so much.

I do give praise, however, to the typefaces employed.
