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Post by genesis_urena »

Hello all!

I am redesigning the webpage of Suzanne Collins (Author).

This time I decided to work with warm colors on both. I guess thats the style that the author transmits to me. Kind of difficult to get out of my comfort zone and use more than three colors.

Red design inspired in the trilogy that make her famous. And orange design is more about her as writer.

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Re: prelimi_03project_gg

Post by Gr8K8 »

Hey Genesis,

I think both redesign versions look really nice and your colors work well together! It's really hard for me to decide which version I like more. I love the homepage of the red version! Very clean and striking! I also like the social media icons you've used in this version.
I also like the way you split the authors name in the homepage of the Orange Computer version. I also really like the fonts you've used for your Titles and Nav Bar in this version.
Excited to see where you take the final design
Kaitlin Wallberg

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Re: prelimi_03project_gg

Post by trixiapanda »

Both concepts are simple and it seems professional for an author's website. I am leaning towards more on the first concept with the orange; it feels more clean and organized. Overall, great work!
♡ Trixia Benitez

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Re: prelimi_03project_gg

Post by katyroses »

Hi there!
I really like both designs. They each have a good unique concept going! I like the first design with the sketchy art graphics. It seems fun and creative. Maybe drag that concept throughout the design? Great job!
Katelyn R. Brooke

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Re: prelimi_03project_gg

Post by Fear The Deer »

I really like your first set of layouts- the illustration of her at the center is a really nice way of communicating the person behind the website, and I think is more eye-catching than a normal photo. It looks lovely!
Jessica Laughead

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Re: prelimi_03project_gg

Post by adriannageo »

I like the layouts with the illustration with her because it's a creative way for her to be shown and I like the layouts for the news page.
I like that they represent the person's works and the colors work well because they don't contrast too much with her book cover art.
Adrianna George

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Re: prelimi_03project_gg

Post by Instructor »

Maybe my contrast love is failing me. This'll be the second time I pick against the contrast design in these critiques. My aesthetics are changing I guess.

Either way, you've got two pretty good ones here, Genesis. But I find your "red" designs much more visually interesting. The home page looks like an older book cover. Kind of an aged leather with gilt inlays. The illustration is fascinating and I like the signature type. Good color choices throughout. The red and gold make for good, if subtle contrast, and it lends the whole thing an air of gravitas. I also like how you set your inner pages up to look like book pages. The gold looks like old parchment here with the red providing a nice visual contrast. you've highlighted what page in the website/book we're on by illuminating it's navigation button. I like it. Your design translates very well between your computer and your mobile roughs with minimal disruption.

I'm not sold on the distressed navigation type. I get why you went with it, but I think it undermines the "book look" of the rest of the website. I'd recommend using something a little cleaner. Move up the category button titles on the inner page so they are a little closer to their images and center each title under each image. Center your social media links on your computer home page rough.

Nice job!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: prelimi_03project_gg

Post by cwalkerdesign »

I love both your designs. I like the colors you chose. The inner pages for both layouts I love you can go with either one. I do like the front cover on the first one better. The look of the drawn girl is really nice.
Good job

Abused Oreo
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Re: prelimi_03project_gg

Post by Abused Oreo »

Both designs look really good and could be used. I'm liking the color palette of the second design just a little more. I find the red and tan to really go well together. The layout turned out really nice for each design. The only things i would change is the font of the red design. I just feel like the typeface doesn't add anything to the page and makes it hard to read. Another thing I would look at is the logos for facebook, twitter, and Instagram seemed a little squished on some of the layouts. Other than that these turned out really good!
Taylor Von Stetina

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Re: prelimi_03project_gg

Post by Brandon_P »

I like your red design, but the landing page needs maybe another color and your icons look stretched a little.
Brandon Plunkett
