My Project 1 Website

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My Project 1 Website

Post by phabegger »

Okay, here we go. A brief recap, I drew my first roughs for class presentation. Like I said then my color pencils did not reflect my color choices well. So I changed them after seeing them in Photoshop (ugh!) and realized that it wasn't crayola's fault. I've change my rough slightly from the hard boxes around the links. I guess we'll see if any of this works. Did I mention that I'm not that good with drawing; let alone using Photoshop? ... very simple design.

Thank you for viewing and especially your input. ~Pat
(I hope I posted this thing correctly.)

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Re: My Project 1 Website

Post by artgalstyle »

I really like this design. I like your intro and different colors of type. I think the buttons need to be subdued or smaller because they are the same size as your name and seem to jump out more than anything else. This is really a nice design. Way to go!


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Re: My Project 1 Website

Post by sktlz1965 »

I think you are going in a good direction, however don't be afraid to play with size and scale, meaning...don't make everything big just to fill space, or make everything roughly the same size. Play with Hierarchy of information making your name the most important in size and then taking the size of other information down a bit, and things like email and info can be A lot smaller in size. Right now, as it sits, all the elements seem to be trying to draw the same attention and I agree that my eye goes directly to the buttons, and these don't have to be the main attention.

Also maybe play with the thought of creating a cool typography design of your name in Photoshop (because we can only use a certain few fonts in HTML or CSS) and place that at the top (???) Because I love the swoosh and movement you have coming across the page and I think using that dynamic and really pushing it further will make it really strong by adding other elements that support it rather than sticking to all San-serif typefaces. But I like the layout it's solid and keep pushing it and I look forward to seeing where this goes!

Anyway I hope this helped!

btw, for someone who doesn't use Photoshop, this is a really good start! :-) Good job!
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Re: My Project 1 Website

Post by deni »

I like this design a lot. I agree with what has already been said regarding the font size of the buttons. The other element that I really like is the swoosh. I would be curious to see what it would look like if you wove (weaved?) it above some of the other elements on the page. Maybe it would add some dimension?

Good job!


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Re: My Project 1 Website

Post by phabegger »

Thank you to the few who have viewed or responded to my posting. This is very difficult, working through forums and not face-to-face in class. Every time I log on I can hear an echo from the silence. Has the class seriously dwindled down to just a handful? Are the others not interested? Possibly so far above in skills that this is an unessential task?
Well, here is my next attempt at revising my website. Give it to me, tell me your thoughts... thanks .

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Re: My Project 1 Website

Post by sktlz1965 »

honeslty in regards to your concern about posting...even though I reply to posts it is still hard. I simply do not have the time to be here all the time, and read every post for that matter. It has nothing to do with being too "skilled" or above others, it has to do with a lot of things, lets be considerate and realize that sometimes posting and replying can be a challenge for some and they are not refusing to do so becuase they dont want to give you advie, It's the nature of having a hybrid class, and working with others. Take the advice you do get and hopefully more people will catch on to the forum posting soon! :-)

As for you design, I think the typography is good, and a lot more flow/natural instead of so rigid. Good Job!
"Design is simply thinking made visual"

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Re: My Project 1 Website

Post by deni »

Hi Pat

I really like to new design. It "feels" more organic and flowing. Great job! :)


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Re: My Project 1 Website

Post by artgalstyle »

Love the changes you have made. Wonderful!

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Re: My Project 1 Website

Post by TommieGuy »

Great improvements!
One suggestion. The blue you are using for your name is close in hue to the same color used for web links. I think that blue works ok for your buttons, but for you name, try a blue that's not that royal blue, or try another color.

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Re: My Project 1 Website

Post by trisa_lunstrum »

I love your swoosh weaving, are considering using an image of some sort? I think it would give your design some whoomph!
