Project 4: Prelims

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Project 4: Prelims

Post by mack_schneider »

Looking forward to feedback!
Mackenzie Schneider

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Re: Project 4: Prelims

Post by Abused Oreo »

I like what you did with both designs. I find the second one to be stronger. I like the imagery and it looks really cool. i feel like swapping the yellow color for the tmcc colors would make it just a little better. Other than that great work!
Taylor Von Stetina

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Re: Project 4: Prelims

Post by trixiapanda »

The second concept caught my eye. I love the way you made that background image so dynamic, yet the headline and the "sign-up" button are balancing out the whole layout. It made the whole website more professional and very cool to look at!!
♡ Trixia Benitez

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Re: Project 4: Prelims

Post by genesis_urena »

Hello! Im liking a lot your yellow-black theme. Specially the one you put the images as a background. It is bold and professional. Also your images matched a lot with the program. So I think you did a nice job. !

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Re: Project 4: Prelims

Post by NalaniN »

Hi Mackenzie,

Both layouts are really nice! I think the color choices work -- especially with the contrasts in text colors. I also think the images you chose work for the subject matter. There are a few places where I think your leading needs to be reduced.
Very nice work!
Nalani Nickles

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Re: Project 4: Prelims

Post by katyroses »

Hey Mackenzie,

I really like your layout on your second design! It is clean, but readable. But, I also like the images from your first designs as well. Maybe mix them together?
Katelyn R. Brooke

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Re: Project 4: Prelims

Post by Instructor »

Oh, nice, Mackenzie. These are pretty darn good.

I like your second design better. It has better contrast and the black, white, and yellow work well together without dominating your imagery. Speaking of your imagery, it's well-chosen and supports your topics. That home page image is particularly strong. I appreciate your layout choices. The inner page feels like a collage and the home page feels like a billboard. You have a nice, big, call to action button that intrigues the user and begs to be clicked on. I like your typographic choices, too. Your font is a super clean sans-serif that you're keeping at least at a medium through the whole composition and it works for you. Your navigation is easy to see and use, too.

Watch your margins on your TMCC logo on the homepage. Probably best to toss it in its own little box like you did on your inner page. I don't think the mobile version of your home page needs the second yellow box that's obstructing your logo and the background image a bit. Plus, it steals some of the thunder from your "Sign Up Today" button. Add a bit of leading between each of the program links on your inner page. You have this super open paragraph and the super-tight links and it clashes a little.

Good work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 4: Prelims

Post by itsdrrlcarden »

I feel based on this project, the yellow design will appeal to a student audience. Both designs are very nice. thou. Good start!
-Darrell Carden GRC175

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Re: Project 4: Prelims

Post by Brandon_P »

I like your first design I like the colors of the layout, imagery is good and its nice and clean.
Brandon Plunkett

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Re: Project 4: Prelims

Post by smartinez33 »

Hi Mackenzie! Both of the concept looks cool. It’s hard to choose but you can pick whatever you want to do for this project. Good work!
Sandra Martinez
