Project 4 Preliminary

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Abused Oreo
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Project 4 Preliminary

Post by Abused Oreo »

Here are the designs I have for project 4! I wanted to keep them very clean and nice with not too much going on. Its a page for information and I didn't want to overdo it.
Taylor Von Stetina

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Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Post by trixiapanda »

Very clean and the layout works well! I do think the second concept almost resembles the original website, so I'm leaning towards the first. The bright green header might be a problem because of contrast issues with the type. Maybe change the type color to black? Or maybe tone down the bright green? Overall, neat concept!
♡ Trixia Benitez

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Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Post by Instructor »

Go with your second design, Taylor.

The second design is much more dynamic. It's created by two things. One, your photos are excellent. They do a fantastic job of illustrating the campus and telling students what they have to look forward to as well as adding color and visual interest. Two, you make great use of contrast. The gray, green and white work well together. Your top bar makes for a good framing device. The gray is a nice background color that causes your navigation to really stand out. I also like the green "liner" between your bar and the photos. The bright white box immediately draws the eye to the text content which is important. I also like the use of the green on the hamburger. The layout itself is otherwise clean and does a good job of moving the eye around.

I don't think "Graphic Arts & Media Technologies" needs to be in a green box though. I think if you make it a very bold font, enlarge the type a little and add a dark drop shadow it should pop off your background image just fine. The inner page text also doesn't have to be green. I think it'd look just fine in the same gray you use in your header. I'd add a little more margin between the "Program Overview" button and your logo in your header.

Good job!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Post by genesis_urena »

Hello! I think you got two nice layouts over here. If you got time you could push them further to an artistic and media layout. Overall they look nice and very TMCC. It seems clear and easy to navigate and find the info.

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Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Post by NalaniN »

Hi Taylor,

Nice work! Both layouts look nice and work for the subject. I like how you used different shades of the green to make it more interesting, and sans serif fonts feel like the right choice for a modern college. Some of your text alignments are a little off, but I'm sure you'd clean that up in the final.
Good job!
Nalani Nickles

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Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Post by katyroses »

Hey there! I really like both designs and how they are branded to TMCC. You definitely captured the feel of the school. I think for your second design you can just overlay the text on top of the photo without the box! All in all, great job!
Katelyn R. Brooke

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Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Post by itsdrrlcarden »

I do like your design concepts. I do wish you could've incorporated a different color other than the green, but overall nice design. Font in the body copy seems a bit large to me.
-Darrell Carden GRC175

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Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Post by mack_schneider »

Howdy! I really like your second design! The colors feel more balanced out than the other. I feel like the first design had a little more white space than necessary. Nice job!
Mackenzie Schneider

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Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Post by Brandon_P »

I like your second design, but it really does look similar to the school's current website. Maybe if you try a different color layout for it, it may make the design look better.
Brandon Plunkett

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Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Post by smartinez33 »

Hi! I like the second design it shows more images of Tmcc campus. The navigation looks great it’s clean and easy to see.
Sandra Martinez
