Project one preliminary

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Project one preliminary

Post by meekster_ »

Here are my four roughs, would love some input!

Below are the links to the websites I found that inspired me! - this website inspired me because I really liked the limited use of colors, the grid layout, and the use of photos!! - this website was super inspirational when I found it because I have never seen anything like it !! fullscreen photos and videos with big bold text, super cool to me!
~Mika Miller~

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Re: Project one preliminary

Post by missStormy »

I would definitely go with your first two designs. The color scheme is very pleasant and compared to the other two designs, it's more modern.

Last edited by missStormy on Sat Feb 15, 2020 4:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Project one preliminary

Post by CedarM »

I think both designs work well but I think rough2 is the stronger one. I would replace the tmcc logo with your name, and put the logo small somewhere else. The website is supposed to be about you so I think you should highlight that.
- Cedar Moosmuller

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Re: Project one preliminary

Post by SkellyboneJones »

I really appreciate the muted colors of the second design, but I also am very fond of the layout of the first design. If you could, seeing as the elements are similar, it might be a cool idea to take your favorite elements from both and combine them together. Either way, both designs are solid!
This is Trevor. So if you don't know, now you know.

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Re: Project one preliminary

Post by Gr8K8 »

Hello Mika,

I'm a sucker for flowers so I really like both versions. In your "Rough 1" version - I love the contrast between the blue back ground and yellow sunflowers. I also think it's cool that you used different parts of the flowers to focus on for each of your circular icons. I think this version is really well balanced and has a summery/spring feel.

Between the two I think I prefer the version "Rough 2". I like the way that you kind of pinned everything in the left corner in the web version. I also really like the orange/charcoal color scheme you've got going on. In this one's mobile version, I think moving your text down a little and maybe increasing the size a little will fill up the space better.

Looking forward to seeing your final versions!
Kaitlin Wallberg

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― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

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Re: Project one preliminary

Post by sndbox »

I like the rough 2 (top design), I just don't think the blue is working with the design. Maybe change it to the same orange you have for the tabs at the top, or even a grey/green that just matches a little better!
Sandra R.

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Re: Project one preliminary

Post by suiish »

I really like both of your designs! I like how happy your second design looks, but I also really like how sleek your first design is. Your first design is a bit dark so I recommend adding some contrast to the design otherwise it's great!
This is Briana Flores, in case you forgot! :D

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Re: Project one preliminary

Post by darth vader de pot noodle »

안녕 미카, 구글 번역에 넣어주세요.

테이블 아래에 범죄자가 있습니다. 도와주세요 mika

여보세요 mika i think the first set is best because its a simple and easy on the eyes.

Juan YEETER Moreno

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Re: Project one preliminary

Post by JamesC46 »

I like the placement of your navigation and the readability of your texts. I do believe that there is a lot of space that can be filled out on both designs. The second design uses space in a more practical manner than the first, but I think if you thin out some elements (like the navigation bar) and enlarge others (description texts, images), it would really improve your design.

Thanks for sharing!
James Chumpol

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Re: Project one preliminary

Post by KJX »

Hey! I like both of your designs, but I want to see more of your personality in the designs. Tell me who you are with the design you show us. Dark or light color, photos you have taken, and lots to explore for your background.

