project one prelim

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darth vader de pot noodle
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project one prelim

Post by darth vader de pot noodle »

these are my designs for project one prelims. I'm going for a simplistic style for both ease to code and a attempt to be clean. ... psQAvD_BwE

this big a$$ link goes to a web page that once on it you immediately see a page design like thing which gave me ideas for the first one.

the second design (the techy one) i thought of when seeing all those rectangles and said make it round.
aaand the phone version
aaand the phone version
this second one is of my love for tech and science.
this second one is of my love for tech and science.
and this is the phone version?
and this is the phone version?
this one is a design I've had for a while and its about my love for beautiful nature.
this one is a design I've had for a while and its about my love for beautiful nature.
Last edited by darth vader de pot noodle on Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Juan YEETER Moreno

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Re: project one prelim

Post by CedarM »

I like both of these designs a lot! I think that the second attempt is definitely the more memorable looking site. That strong and vibrant blue really sticks in the mind, where as the generic autumn trees is a little more plain.
- Cedar Moosmuller

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Re: project one prelim

Post by meekster_ »

these are both nice and creative layouts! I would suggest for the blue one that you change the color of the logo because it kind of gets lost and I think it should stand out more !
~Mika Miller~

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Re: project one prelim

Post by suiish »

I really think your blue design is the more memorable design. The vibrant blue really sticks out, but your logo blends in too much with the background. Everything else is really neato, good job!
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Re: project one prelim

Post by SkellyboneJones »

I for sure think the tech-inspired design is more solid, the main issue that sticks out for me is the colors clashing a bit. The logo blue is subdued, which pushes it to the background, and the pattern blue is vibrant, so it jumps forward a bit. So my eye is a little unsure on what it should focus on first. Other than that, the entire motif is consistent and looks really cool!
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Re: project one prelim

Post by missStormy »

I like the blue computer rough too, but I do think that using the whole circuit board as the background image is causing things to become busy. I would save that image as part of a header section and use more solid colors.

Last edited by missStormy on Sat Feb 15, 2020 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: project one prelim

Post by sndbox »

I like the layout of the second design, it's very clean, but I like the circuit style of the first design. I would maybe combine the two and use the layout of the second, but keep the blue of the first. I would, as someone said above, maybe not use as busy of a circuit board background, it makes it a little too busy, but if you still plan on it, I would suggest reducing the opacity so the information doesn't get lost within the background.
Sandra R.

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Re: project one prelim

Post by JamesC46 »

I like the navigation of both designs, with the second being the best regarding overall readability. As mentioned previously by others, the circuit design definitely has contrast issues. With such a busy background, differentiating important elements is a must. I would recommend increasing the opacity of the body text background and the logo. Adjusting the coordinates of the body elements to make it more centered on the x-axis would improve it as well, for both.

Thanks for sharing!
James Chumpol

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Re: project one prelim

Post by KJX »

Hey! I like both of your designs. 1 & 2 your title and paragraph get washed out by your background, try adding a lightly colored box to be in between your type and background.


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Re: project one prelim

Post by hmayooo »

Hi! I think both of your designs are really interesting! But I think the blue circuitry design feels a little busy, and also it's a little difficult to make out your logo. I think the second design is really nicely laid out and I like the color choices. I'd like to see some more experimentation with your type! I think it could add to your designs a lot.
~Hayley Mayo~
