project 1 final

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project 1 final

Post by meekster_ »

I chose the darker theme for my final, it was just more appealing to me, changed it up a bit by making the text boxes and such! thank you for all the feedback it was helpful!
~Mika Miller~

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Re: project 1 final

Post by KJX »


Awesome changes! Love the background photo and the color schemes.


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Re: project 1 final

Post by missStormy »

The changes have defiantly improve it and your designs have a clean look to them. I don't think you need that side bar though on the right. If you want to keep it I would put it on the left. Good job.


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Re: project 1 final

Post by hmayooo »

I really love this design, it has an appealing dark theme without being too heavy. I agree that the sidebar on the mobile version looks a little awkward, maybe if you placed the links in the sidebar it may look a little more like it’s supposed to be there. Good job!
~Hayley Mayo~

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Re: project 1 final

Post by JamesC46 »

I think making the image full-width instead of having the sidebar on the right would really improve your design. Everything else looks nice.
James Chumpol

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Re: project 1 final

Post by SkellyboneJones »

I absolutely love the off-grey you used for the background. It combines with that mellow orange just excellently, and I really like it. Excellent work on the design!
This is Trevor. So if you don't know, now you know.

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Re: project 1 final

Post by darth vader de pot noodle »

Nach allen bekannten Luftfahrtgesetzen sollte eine Biene auf keinen Fall fliegen können. Seine Flügel sind zu klein, um seinen fetten kleinen Körper vom Boden abzuheben. Die Biene fliegt natürlich trotzdem, weil es den Bienen egal ist, was Menschen für unmöglich halten.
yeetous skeetous, fetus deletous.
i like the focal point on the flower and the use of low opacity shape for the info box.
Juan YEETER Moreno

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Re: project 1 final

Post by suiish »

Hey Mika, I love how simplistic your design is. The orangey color really pops with the black background and it looks very modern.
This is Briana Flores, in case you forgot! :D

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Re: project 1 final

Post by sndbox »

I really like how it turned out!!
I think that orange really adds to the design and helps lead your eye to the flower in the middle.
I also really like the simplicity of the design, it really helps not distract from the background!
Overall it turned out really nice!! :D
Sandra R.

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Re: project 1 final

Post by Gr8K8 »

These turned out lovely! I like the decision to switch from a blue to an orange text box. These feel super clean and well balanced layouts. I really like your fonts choices and your navigation buttons. I realllly like the unusual shape you gave the orange text box of your computer version. I think it would look cool if you implemented that into your mobile version as well.
Kaitlin Wallberg

“I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
