Project 03 Prelim

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Project 03 Prelim

Post by SkellyboneJones »

I realize now that we were supposed to have 4 designs and 2 roughs each (one mobile, one web), and my goofy ass did 2 designs (one mobile, one web) with 4 roughs each. Whoops, I hope you guys get the point anyways. The site I'm adapting is pretty noncoherent and insane, so I'm still working out potential solutions. (Especially the scroll box. I like it because it vibes with the spirit of timecube but I'm not fond of the solution functionally.)
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Re: Project 03 Prelim

Post by sndbox »

Would you be able to link the original website that you were redoing?
Not sure if you were going with this, but I total get a video game effect with your design. I think it's really cool you were able to convey that with such a simple design, that's really cool.
I would say maybe add a tab with information about what the website is? I can see that it has something to do with earth and space stuff but I'm just not sure what the website is supposed to actually be about, but that also may be just me.
Overall, pretty cool and simple design.
Sandra R.

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Re: Project 03 Prelim

Post by meekster_ »

the font is slightly harder to read but other than that I think the theme is pretty cool and it flows nicely in all the designs !!
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Re: Project 03 Prelim

Post by Instructor »

Heh! Well, a little masochism once it a while is a healthy thing, I suppose.

I like bits and pieces of your design. The damaged graph paper topo map background is a real standout. It gives your design a texture that really helps it. Your headline and navigation type was a good choice as well. It shows a kind of disquieted future that works well with your subject matter. The graphics used throughout the design work well with the theme too. Good pictures too. So mysterious! You use pretty good margin throughout your design and it's easy to navigate. Nice work translating everything to your mobile design. It doesn't loose much in the transition.

I'm not sure some of your content needed to be in a weird scrolling box(?) in the middle of your page. The screenshot(?) in the middle is not really doing it for me either. On your inner pages, I'd recommend using a different bodycopy on the inner pages. Your headline/navigation font is just too bold to function as bodycopy. Maybe drop it down by a few points, too.

Good effort!
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Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 03 Prelim

Post by missStormy »

The cube and background gives the design a nice grunge feel, though seeing the original site would bring things into perspective. The scrolling effect seems a bit off though and I'm not sure if you really need it. I like the first design better, it's more minimal in a good way.


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Re: Project 03 Prelim

Post by JamesC46 »

My personal opinion, most of the elements I feel are very large, thought I realize there might not be a lot to work with. You can probably use another sans-serif typeface for the body text as a separation from the header. The left-justified text can also make it jarring to read from its inconsistent spacing.

Everything is well placed, though. Thanks for sharing.
James Chumpol

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Re: Project 03 Prelim

Post by suiish »

I really like the style of both designs. The font seems to fit with the design well and I like how you stuck with mostly black and white.
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Re: Project 03 Prelim

Post by wilson_iii »

I like the non uniform style, I do not like the large text or the lack of color. Good job though!

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Re: Project 03 Prelim

Post by Gr8K8 »

Oooh these look really cool. I like the graph background a lot. Also love your nav buttons.
I would suggest maybe making the images/text of your "Gallery" (Computer version) section a little smaller. This would allow you to give each one a little more visual breaking room. Right now it feels like a lot for my eyes to look at in the middle of the screen. I think the font used here is a little difficult to read as well.

Excited to see the final versions
Kaitlin Wallberg

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Re: Project 03 Prelim

Post by KJX »


I really enjoy your cube design. Very modern/futuristic for the viewer. I would recommend fixing the font/size/spacing on the informative page, it's hard on the eyes.
Awesome job.

