Project 3 Preliminary Critique

Post links to your Project Three websites for discussion and feedback.
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Project 3 Preliminary Critique

Post by suiish »

here's the link to the website I chose, it's basically a space website lol. I wanted to keep some of the ideas from the original website like the space background and the astronaut, but wanted to make it look cleaner than it does on the original website. Anyway, these are my ideas!
other mobile pages
other mobile pages
other mobile home
other mobile home
other website pages
other website pages
other website home
other website home
mobile pages
mobile pages
mobile home
mobile home
website pages
website pages
website home
website home
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Re: Project 3 Preliminary Critique

Post by sndbox »

Okay your designs are SUPER cute! It's seriously really hard to choose which one you should go with!
I really like that you still incorporated the galaxy background but made it so you could actually read everything!
I'll say if I have to choose it would be your version one. Seeing the whole astronaut is very close to the original website, plus you can actually see the details in the planet buttons and everything.
I would say you could honestly go with either one, they're both super strong!
Sandra R.

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary Critique

Post by meekster_ »

such a creative take on it ! I like this a lot ! I love the idea of using the planets as the buttons ! I think both designs work really well !
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Re: Project 3 Preliminary Critique

Post by Instructor »

Heh, this one's a fun one. I like your design two. It's the most fun/mysterious of the two. Not much difference between the two home pages on your designs, though.

I like your two different home page layouts for the computer and mobile versions of your second design. Both remind me of the illustrations on a menu chalkboard at a coffee shop. The chalk astronaut brings a smile to my face. He's fun. He's going to show me all sorts of awful cosmic mysteries, isn't he? Nice type selections used throughout. Your nav type actually works pretty darn well as bodycopy which is a rare thing indeed. Love the space background with the falling comet stars. It reflects the subject matter and it's mysteriousness well. Great use of contrast throughout your whole design. The splash of color provided by your hazy nebulas and little bowling ball planets is great too.

The inner page could use a little something to break up that wall of text; wither an image or one of your fun chalk drawings. Right now it's just a solid block and makes my eyes glaze over.

Gread work!
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Re: Project 3 Preliminary Critique

Post by missStormy »

I agree, making the astronaut a character drawing gives it more personality than the original. I also liked incorporating the planets as navigation elements. I do like design 1 better because of the home page use of space( pun intend).


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Re: Project 3 Preliminary Critique

Post by JamesC46 »

The design is simple and nice to look at. A more simple typeface for the body copy can be used as I think the style of it can be difficult for some readers. The white of the stars in the background could add to this difficulty too. Thanks for sharing.
James Chumpol

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary Critique

Post by wilson_iii »

I enjoy the cosmic space them, but I feel it is a bit dark. I wonder if there was a way to add some color in there, to separate out the text more. Other than that, wonderful work! I like how you made it much more visual than it was before.

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary Critique

Post by Gr8K8 »

I think both versions are really cute. That astronaut is adorable. The chalky texture makes me think 'classroom' and 'educational website'.

I really like the unique layout of your navigation on your 2nd version homepages. I also like the version 1 background a lot and the contrast between it and the planet icons.

One thing that kind of bugs me is it feels like the text lines are longer on the left-side column of text on your "mission" computer pages. The right side text looks shorter to me? I also agree with Michael that it is a lot of to look at all at once and could use some breaking up somehow.

Looking forward to seeing how the final design comes out!
Kaitlin Wallberg

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary Critique

Post by SkellyboneJones »

I think both designs are pretty excellent, and the white text was a smart choice on the dark background. But I do agree with some of the others that a block of text could use some more interest.
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Re: Project 3 Preliminary Critique

Post by KJX »


I love the astronaut with the lines following through the plants eventually finding him(first design). Your second is my favorite, but I think you you could go either way and I wouldn't mind.
Awesome designing.

