
Post links to your Project One websites for discussion and feedback.
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Post by gavin_clouser »

project01_gc copy.png

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Re: project_001

Post by kendall_the_mann »

Hi Gavin!

I really like how you incorporated your own photo into your design! You're the first person I've seen do that so far, unique choice. I think the dark background works well too since you chose a lighter color font, the contract works well! I think maybe the only critique I have is to design the boxes for your projects a bit. Instead of just the black squares for the links, it'd be cool if you added a pattern until you add those projects on top of them so it's still part of the overall design. Other than that small thing, these are awesome designs!

Can't wait to see what your final website looks like : )
-Kendall Mann

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Re: project_001

Post by Hamistani »

Hello Gavin,
I really like the fonts you chose, they go really well together! Your layout is very organized and appealing to the eye. I would change the pink to the TMCC green, and I would decorate the boxes, so they don't look blank. Great job! :D
- Heather Amistani
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Re: project_001

Post by Krueckl »

Hi Gavin,

I like the first mobile layout you used and the second web layout. I also like the font you used because there is a lot of shape to it. The bright pink exclamation point is a nice minimalist addition as well. I think it would be nice if there was a little more color or some more shapes added to the design. Can't wait to see how the final turns out!

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Re: project_001

Post by IzzyB »

Hiya Gavin!

I like your mobile one design and your website two design. The composition flows well in both compared to the other two. For the first mobile one, I would center everything in the middle and change the TMCC logo to the black one, the green doesn't seem to fit your layout. I would also take out the :!: in both the "About Me" and "Projects". Though I really like the pink, maybe add a line under the "About Me" and "Projects" and make it that color? I like the :!: being next to the "Hello" on your website two design. I would again change the TMCC logo to the black one and get rid of the :!: next to Projects. This layout is really strong and actually looks like a real website, especially with your picture :)
Isabelle Bento (the person with the basic anime girl hair cut) UwU

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Re: project_001

Post by Anayik »

Hi Gavin,

I really love your logo with the G, I would say bring it in more! It looks excellent against the dark background of your photo. I think its a beautiful design element that you could get away with showcasing more. I prefer your second concept more because I like how your photo takes up more space there, the other one looks a little empty.

Nice work
Kiana Bohm

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Re: project_001

Post by it's_crysta »

Hi Gavin,
Your first design is the strongest, I like the pink with the black and white and your font choice. I think you should justify you body copy, change the TMCC logo to black, and cut yourself out of the the picture and put that on a black rectangle background and play around with some lines, like make a white out line of yourself and have some other lines in white and the pink coming out. Can't wait to see your final design!
it's Crysta (Clark)

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Re: project_001

Post by jacklyn_yamine »

Hi Gavin,
I really like your designs and how you incorporated your own image into them. I like the second one better where you have your image with the text next to it and the projects below side by side. I'm assuming they are only black right now because we haven't created anything yet and that once we do, some sort of screen shot or image of the piece will be put there. Whichever layout you choose for the computer, the mobile layout that I think should be paired with it is the first one in which you have your image with the About Me text below it and the projects are in a 4-square formation.

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Re: project_001

Post by kmohara5190 »

Hi Gavin,
Your website designs have a good color scheme that makes them more dynamic and fun even though they are quite dark. I prefer your second design due to the black behind the white text, however it is slightly hard to read, if you were to make the font larger it would be more legible. Nice job!
Kierann O'Hara

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Re: project_001

Post by Instructor »


Great use of contrast on these, Gavin. I also like your geometric sensibility when laying them out. I'd say your second design is a little better. I think it's the layout of your project buttons at the bottom.

I like the use of your picture as a top banner. It feels like the website is introducing you to us. Which is the goal of the project, so it succeeds nicely. I like the colors you've chosen and the way you're using them as accents. Nice job colorizing the call to action button. It really makes it stand out and makes me want to click on the shiny. The whole thing has a clean, Bauhaus grid quality that's organizing the content quite well. Your navigation is easy to see and use and I like the dominant position you gave your project link buttons. Your serif and sans-serif fonts seem to agree with one another nicely. I especially like the whimsical quality your serif typeface has. It brings a smile to my face.

I'd recommend adding the descriptions you used in the mobile version as columns under your project link buttons. That will add a little more to the bottom. Maybe even see about putting a color behind the bottom rather than just white. It's a little blah down there right now. Of course, it may look much better once some project previews and descriptions get put in place. I'd also recommend using a black TMCC logo. TMCC's hideous green is clashing with the rest of your design, alas.

Nice work!
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