Project01 Preliminary Critique! Take a Look!

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Re: Project01 Preliminary Critique! Take a Look!

Post by Instructor »

"Take a look. It's in a book ..."

Oh my! Three designs! I always appreciate students going the extra mile. I like your third one best, though it was very close between that one and your Purple Mountains Majesty first design. It was the contrast that sold me in the end.

Actually, the best part of your third design is how you use color. The color scheme you've picked is super visually pleasing. I like the embedded color frames that reverse inside out around your image. Sort of a visual shorthand for how HTML works. The colors make for great differentials in your footer and as your rollover color. Using your header and footer as framing devices is also visually strong. It pushes the eye toward the middle. I like your choice of imagery as well. It's very evocative and works well with your colorscheme as well as the contemplative mood you've established in this design. The little bits of texture you added help add a touch of visual interest as well. I especially like the transparency in your "Back to Top" arrow. You navigation placement is excellent too. The navigation is easy to see and use.

The only thing I'm not sold on is the white title card in the middle. You have this great contrasting design and yet right smack dab in the middle is this pretty basic little card layout. It clashes with the great colors and contrast you've established with the rest of the design. I think once you apply a bit of design magic to the title card, this one will be a really great design. Also, don't forget to vertically center your footer type and social media icons.

Great work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project01 Preliminary Critique! Take a Look!

Post by Mal-Festio »

Hello Meghna,

You have a great variety of ideas for each layout that are really good. I think I like the second and third best. In the second one, I like the greens and blues of your color scheme, and the top bar is really well designed. The third is really making me think of a title screen, and I again really good color choices. I like the third The most because I can imagine the image moving, which again makes me think of it as a title screen.
Jordi Cruz Trujillo

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Re: Project01 Preliminary Critique! Take a Look!

Post by Kassandra »

Hi Meghan,
These are great website designs! I'm really digging your first and second designs. The first layout is not super cluttered and is more easily readable and easier to navigate. I agree, that making the body text not italicized will work better.
Kassandra Fuentes

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Re: Project01 Preliminary Critique! Take a Look!

Post by ItsAllisxn »

Hello Meghna!

These are some really cool designs you have! Each one gives off their own personality and feel. Personally, I like your first. I love how the graphics work with your background and keeps with a theme. I also think the slanted M looks really cool, almost like a folded paper. I'm not too sure how I feel about the black text though, I think playing around with white text (if it doesn't blend into the background) would work well considering your bottom text is white. Great work! Can't wait to see which rough you pick!
Allison Hartmann - Kachow 8-)

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Re: Project01 Preliminary Critique! Take a Look!

Post by rmepinero »

Hello Meghna,

All your designs are really great! I think they all have so much great stuff going on. The first one is well organized, your typography is really nice and the gradient image creates depth without drawing your viewer away from your content. The second one is fun and has a lot of movement. The colors are great and feels very well organized. The third is bold and fun and the image, like your first design, as depth and dimension but it’s subtle. You could definitely fill up that space though. You are missing your info paragraph so I think that would help a lot.

Nice job!
Rowena Piñero
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Re: Project01 Preliminary Critique! Take a Look!

Post by Anayik »

Hi Meghna!

I really enjoy your green concept best. I love the illustrations and the dark background with the light green really pops. I love the image you chose for the background too but I think that the vertical direction of the ivy in the photo combats the horizontal composition of the elements in your overlay. I would try finding a similar image that has more of a horizontal directionality or change your overlay, with your name and info, to be more vertical. Also...I wonder if this imagery might look really stunning as a big header image rather than being split in two by your overlay? I know that sounds like I'm suggesting alot but only because I really like the concept
Kiana Bohm

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Re: Project01 Preliminary Critique! Take a Look!

Post by IzzyB »

Hi Meghna!

Wow, your last design, the rainy one, is really strong! I would personally go with that one. The colors, the type, the background, everything fits so perfectly. You just need to find room for your body copy then it is golden! :D :lol:
Isabelle Bento (the person with the basic anime girl hair cut) UwU

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Re: Project01 Preliminary Critique! Take a Look!

Post by comicsansfanclub »

Hi Meghna,
You have such awesome layouts! I'm torn between your first and third one. I think they both would work great. I love the colors in the first one and the third one just has such a nice feel to it all. I would just perhaps try experimenting with other colors for the white square on the third design. Other than that, I think it looks great! nice job
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*Hazzie Castaneda*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
