Preliminary Work

Post links to your Project One websites for discussion and feedback.
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Re: Preliminary Work

Post by Instructor »

I like your second design much better, Tyler. It uses contrast really well. I like the medium blue/dark blue combination. They make for a great contrasting offset to your white type. Your navigation is easy to see and use. Your large buttons will be very easy to use for big fat fingers on a mobile device which is a problem a lot of mobile websites encounter. The whole layout is pretty clean. It transitions well from mobile to computer and back again. Except for one area, it uses margins very well. Everything is well laid out and easy to find. I like the use of the top navigation as a framing device for the rest of the content. It draws the eye to the navigation and locks in the layout.

Unfortunately, your typefaces completely clash. I think there's one too many of them and they don't seem to have anything to do with one another. Pare them down so you're only using one or two and use different weights of the fonts to establish visual hierarchy. The navigation and class information font is especially clashy. Your name in the middle is a little close to your bodycopy on your computer version. I'd recommend adding a little more distance between it and your bodycopy. Move up your class info on the bottom so that it's baseline matches the bottom of your "References" button. Maybe try flipping your colors so you have a medium blue background and a dark blue navigation and buttons.

Good effort!
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Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Preliminary Work

Post by kmohara5190 »

Hi Tyler,
I like the layouts of your designs they feel very orderly. I think I prefer your second website due to the contrasting darker blue and font you chose. However, I think the buttons for your projects could be a little smaller, to make it look more modern. Nice job!
Kierann O'Hara

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Re: Preliminary Work

Post by Mal-Festio »

Hey Tyler,

I think you have some good layout going on. I think your second one the most; I like how bold the colors and the fonts you used are. I think maybe make your references buttons smaller; they are using more space than needed. I also think you don't need "Home" at the top of your mobile version; your page already implies that.
Jordi Cruz Trujillo

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Re: Preliminary Work

Post by comicsansfanclub »

Hi Tyler,
Nice concepts! I like both of your layouts! I find the gradient in your first one a little too distracting though so I think I'm liking your second design the most. It's easy to navigate and very professional looking. I also like how the photo of yourself gives the layout a very personalized feel to it. I would experiment with more fonts and stick to no more than two fonts. Also, make sure that only one font is decorative. nice job!
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Re: Preliminary Work

Post by rmepinero »

Hi Tyler!!

It’s nice to have another class with you and to see your design work again! Both of your designs use really nice blues and are very well organized and laid out. I think the only thing I would change would be to make your profile photo the same size as your paragraph in the first set of designs. I would also make your links and info paragraph center aligned.

Great job!!
Rowena Piñero
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Re: Preliminary Work

Post by dearangela »

Hey Tyler,

I like your second design, the white and dark blue is a nice contrast. I think that your "bio, projects, information and references" can be a stronger type, it looks a little light-weighted compared to "project link" etc. For your second composition, I think you need to decide whether your name or "Home" is gonna be the hierarchy, I think they are fighting! Nice job!

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Re: Preliminary Work

Post by IzzyB »

Hi Tyler!

I think your second design is the strongest. I would change your typeface to something else, it is clashing with the rest of your design. Maybe add some texture somewhere in your design as well for diversity. There is a lot of cool things you can do! :P
Isabelle Bento (the person with the basic anime girl hair cut) UwU

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Re: Preliminary Work

Post by MatthewCS »

Hey Tyler,
I totally agree with you that you could do a lot more with your second design. I like how you formatted the second design on a phone screen and added the home icon on the top right and the more icon. I'm also liking the font you chose and the monochromatic blue.
It's looking good so far awesome job!
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If you can't run, then walk.
If you can't walk, then crawl,
but by all means, keep moving.

- Martin Luther King Jr.

Matthew Cortes-Segura
