Project 01 Preliminary

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Re: Project 01 Preliminary

Post by kmohara5190 »

Hi Hazzie,
I like the unifying concepts you used in your designs, it connects them, but does not make them too similar. I prefer your first website because of the contrast of black and white, it is very bold. The empty space between the "Project 1-4" could maybe be done away with, just so that it is not so spaced out. Nice job!
Kierann O'Hara

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Re: Project 01 Preliminary

Post by Instructor »

Okay, so for the FIFTH time this critique we have someone who has two equally good designs. Damn this is a talented class. Pick whichever one appeals most to you, Hazzie.

That said, you're apparently some kind of anatomical miracle, what with the hearts in your hands and such.

I really like the contrast you have going on in the first design. Any black and white design is guaranteed to have great contrast and you use it so well. I really love the visual texture of the heart and veins in the background of the design. It adds a great deal of visual interest and helps move the eye around the layout. The layout itself is simple and clean with everything easy to find. When you follow the roots back they point you at your navigation! Your photo choice is quite excellent as well. I suppose it should be since you built the website around it after all! Your serif and sans-serif typefaces are working well together. They do a good job of establishing a hierarchy and visually differentiating different pieces of content.

Really I only have two critiques. One, add a bit of leading in your bodycopy on both your computer layout and your mobile layout. since it's a little tight. Two, scoot over said bodycopy slightly to the left along with your "About Me" text so they align perfectly with the left edge of "Hazzie Castaneda" on your computer layout.

Your second design has an album cover feel to it. Like something by "Live" in the late 90s. It's simultaneously warm and haunting. Like a sad summer's day. Great colors on this one. The reds, oranges, and pinks really work well together. But the real star of the show is that image. I think it's what gives the whole thing it's etherial quality. I also like the background texture on this one. It's much more subtle on this one than your first design, but no less visually interesting. The layout on this one is pretty strong as well. My eye floats through it rather easily and I have not problem finding the navigation or other pieces of critical info. It's actually a pretty good example of asymmetrical balance. Your fonts are working well together, too. They do a great job establishing hierarchy throughout.

Much like the first design, you need to add a little leading to your bodycopy on both your computer and mobile versions. It's a little tight as is. I'd also recommend scooting your bodycopy over slightly to the left to align with the "C" in "Casteneda". Or even right align the type and have it align with the "a" in "Casteneda" along the right edge. I'd also say your navigation buttons are a little close together. Adding a little space between them will help differentiate them.

Excellent work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 01 Preliminary

Post by Mal-Festio »

Hello Hazzie,

Both of your layouts are great. I think did a great job using two types of color schemes. I think either is a great choice so it's up to you which one you like best. I do have to say do in your first mobile version, the types hierarchy is a bit off. I think your name and body copy is a bit similar I think You should use the same font as "About me" and make it bigger.
Jordi Cruz Trujillo

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Re: Project 01 Preliminary

Post by rmepinero »

Hi Hazzie! Your layouts are beautiful. Everything pairs well together, like the fonts and the colors, they all help your piece feel cohesive and organized. I really enjoy the image and colors of the second set of designs a smidge more. And the only thing I would change is the font color as it gets kind of lost in your image, but everything else looks SO good!

Nice work!
Rowena Piñero
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Re: Project 01 Preliminary

Post by dearangela »

Hey Hazzie,

I enjoy the two different moods you displayed for your layouts! On your first layout, I like your hierarchy on the website of your name, and I feel like that it might look more cohesive if the mobile was using your name as the hierarchy as well. With your dark grunge color and photo, I think your header and name could try a different typestyle, I think it would add more interest.
For your second layout, I do enjoy it more just because I am a fan of pink/red hues, but also the imagery and different color text is nice and feels good on the eye. Great job can't wait to see whats next!

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Re: Project 01 Preliminary

Post by IzzyB »

Hi Hazzie!

I personally like your first design but both of them are really strong. I think the images of the hands you chose fit well and really flow with the design. I agree with some other people about the placements of "About Me" and your name being in the way of the images but overall these are really strong pieces. Very beautiful <3
Isabelle Bento (the person with the basic anime girl hair cut) UwU

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Re: Project 01 Preliminary

Post by MatthewCS »

Hey Hazzie,
I like your second concept the most, the fact you inserted your own photographic image into your design is cool and it adds more attention to your design. I think you should try to keep the same format you had with your computer version to your phone version. Probably have the files on top and crop the photographic image to rectangular form to fit the edges on both left and right sides and then just have everything else under the image.
It looking great nice job!
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Re: Project 01 Preliminary

Post by Meghna_Misson »

Hi Hazzie,

I got to say, I am absolutely loving the first concept out of two. The choice of colors, photographic element, layout, and font choice is what makes this set unique and very professional. Truthfully, there is nothing else that I could recommend adding or changing since it is impressive as it is. But what I could help not to mention is increasing the size of the text on the right in the mobile version (the projects listed) because they are a little bit too tiny. Other than that, Great work!

(P.s. Props for the Wybie profile picture!)
Meghna Misson - student
