Project one final

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Project one final

Post by Arisa »

Hi guys,
Both of them were lovely works, but I finally decided to go with the ocean web site. I'm sure you'll see the idea for the other website somewhere.

In the last preliminary critique, I saw a comment that the gradation of the sunset sky was impressive, and I wondered if they were talking about the sand. I wanted the viewers to see it from different angles, so I decided to use an orange-yellow gradation that looks like a sunset and also looks like a sand :D

Also, I liked the previous "I AM ARISA KOIKE" font, which was transparent inside and black outside, but I had a cooler idea, so I used it.
website-final-mobile01 (2).png
Last edited by Arisa on Sun Feb 28, 2021 2:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
:D Arisa Koike

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Re: Project one final

Post by estrellau »

wow this is so nice the colors look so well together I also like how you have tabs for the projects I think that would be easier to manage
Nice!!!!!!! :D
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Re: Project one final

Post by Anayik »

Hi Arisa,

I love the colors and illustrations of your site, super eye pleasing! I also love the font you chose, it works well with your concept. And good job on your nav bar too, with the stands out without competing with the bg. The only thing I see here is your description under your name on your monitor version gets a little lost in the busy-ness of the waves...tricky but maybe you can move it over the sand like on your mobile or something. Very pretty :)
Kiana Bohm

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Re: Project one final

Post by Instructor »

I really like this vector wave aesthetic you've got going here, Aria. I liked it when I saw it in your preliminary work and I like it now.

You've made some great changes since the preliminary version, too. I like the overall more vivid colors you've chosen, though I'm glad you stuck with the blue and orange. The angle of your gradient and the wave serve to push the eye through your composition. Your faux highlighted name type is a very interesting choice as well. It works well on your computer layout and is certainly an improvement on the outlined type form your preliminary version. I think it'd make a neat rollover state for your buttons as well. The wave seems more active too. I can't tell if you've added detail or if it's a function of the more vivid colors. Your type is overall very strong. I'd usually dislike the bold bodycopy, but it shows up well against the wave, so who am I to judge. And the font certainly works well in your headlines and navigation. That semi-transparent header is great too. It acts as a framing device and also calls the eye to the navigation where one might otherwise get caught up in the visual undertow of the wave.

The faux highlighting does not work quite as well on your mobile version. I think it would have been better to raise the wave a little so it clips your name like it does on your computer version. Also, and you're going to strangle me for this, I think you went a little too light on your button transparency and now they're disappearing into the wave a little.

Good work! This sumi-e wave design was an interesting idea and you executed it well.
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Re: Project one final

Post by gavin_clouser »

The mountains kind of look dated but you have good strong use of typography. I like it!

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Re: Project one final

Post by Kassandra »

Hi Arisa,
I'm loving the colors and the wave vector graphic. Great idea on adding the transparent box underneath the projects, because it makes it more readable. Great job!
Kassandra Fuentes

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Re: Project one final

Post by jacklyn_yamine »

Hi Arisa,
I love your waves! I still think you could up the transparency on the shapes behind your text to make them stand out more.

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Re: Project one final

Post by Hamistani »

Hello Arisa,
I love this ocean/sunset theme you have going on! The colors go great together and the fonts all flow together nicely. If it were me, I would change the inverted backdrop behind the "I am..." for the computer version. I really like the blue backdrop you added to the mobile version! I would also make the opacity a bit stronger for the projects' backdrop. This looks great, and I'm looking forward to seeing the final piece. :D
- Heather Amistani
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Re: Project one final

Post by ItsAllisxn »

Hi Arisa!

I'm so happy you picked this design! I really liked it from your preliminary. Also, I definitely confused the sand with the sky for some reason so that's my bad :lol: . Anyways, the detail in your water looks so good and I think your gradient works really well! I like your bold text for your name and the "Hi! There." I'm not sure if this would work it might be worth trying, maybe angle your gradient so it goes up and down instead of side to side? Also, I noticed a little typo in the "Hi! There," since the exclamation mark doesn't need to be there. Great work! Can't wait to see this published!
Allison Hartmann - Kachow 8-)

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Re: Project one final

Post by Krueckl »

Hi Arisa,
I still love your layout. The waves are so cool. Its so vibrant and I love the orange color used. I might play around with the body copy a little because it seems to get a little lost with the background. Other than that really nice job!
